The moment I’d mention Sarah Cooke, she’ll make sure I end up with her just to piss me off. But if I suggest something else, maybe we’ll both get something out of it.

I park in front of the B&B and see her walking inside.

Perfect timing.

Grabbing the sandwich platters and veggie trays, I head inside and make my way to the kitchen. As soon as I push through the double doors, Maize and Kenzie stare at me.

“Hey, thanks for getting these,” Maize says, opening the fridge for me.

“No worries. Your grandmother is a hard woman to deny.”

“Trust me, I know.” Maize chuckles, closing the door. She flicks her gaze between Kenzie and me.

“I better go check on the buffet table.” She quickly hustles out, leaving us alone.

“I need a favor,” I blurt out.

Kenzie looks around as if I’m talking to someone else. “You’re seriously askin’ me, Cowboy?”

“You owe me one,” I grind out, crossing my arms.

“For bringing me soup last week?” she asks as if she’s unimpressed.

“No. After that stunt you pulled with my truck, it’s my turn to get you back, and trust me when I say I’ve been planning something big.”

“You’re bluffing.” She mimics my stance, folding her arms over her chest. My eyes automatically drop to her chest, and I swallow hard at the low-cut top she’s wearing.

“I’m not, but do you really wanna risk it?” I raise a brow. “I nearly killed my back shoveling all that shit, so trust me when I say you don’t want what’s coming to you.”

Kenzie relaxes her arms. “Fine. What do you want?”

“Bid on me at the auction tomorrow,” I say, taking a step toward her, “and win.”

She scoffs. “You’ve lost your mind. I’m not spending my hard-earned money to go on a date with you.”

“If you win, we’ll call a truce. I won’t go through with my evil plan.” I raise a brow, challenging her to say no.

She furrows her brows as if she’s trying to read my thoughts. “What’s the catch?”

Holding back a laugh at her resistance, I answer, “You agree to go with me to my family’s reunion in a few weeks. Then we’ll call it even. No more pranks.”

“Why the hell would you want me to go to a family event with you? We don’t even get along.” She leans a hip on the prep table as if she needs the support to keep from passing out.

I shrug, lowering my eyes and feeling vulnerable at the personal shit I’m about to confess. “Things in my family are…complicated. My mom is begging me to come, and I’d rather not go alone. I haven’t been home in years, and let’s just say…it’d make things easier if I had someone with me.”

“Why not bring one of the guys?”

“Because I’m asking you.”

The auction is tomorrow night, and if she doesn’t agree to this arrangement, I’m doubly screwed—by Sarah Cooke and going to my family’s reunion solo.

“So what do you say?” I ask as she thinks about it. “We continue this little game of getting back at each other, or we finally call it quits. Up to you.”

“After the way you handcuffed us together, I should feed you to the wolves. Lord knows all the single women are gonna be fightin’ over y’all.” She snorts.

I shrug as if I’m not bothered, but I’m ready to get on my knees and beg. “Alright, but don’t say I didn’t warn ya. I plan to get ya back ten times worse, so…”

“Grayson.” She scowls, her lips in a firm line.

“Oh and trust me, it’d be warranted after the way you left me tied up naked. Handcuffs and cow shit will seem like child’s play.”

“God! Fine.” Kenzie huffs, dropping her arms. “But if you play me and do something—”

“You have my word,” I say sincerely.

She inhales sharply. “Not sure your word means anything.”

“What? When have I ever lied to you?”

She shoots daggers at me. “Never mind,” she finally says. “Alright, I’ll do it, and then we’re even. Forever.”

I nod in agreement. “Scout’s honor.”

She snorts as if that amuses her and pisses her off at the same time. Lord, this woman is confusing as hell.

“That means this event is our ‘date,’ right? Because I’m not going on some romantic evening with you.”

“Trust me, I don’t have a death wish.”

“What’s that mean?”

“That means I know better. After getting kicked in the balls by you a handful of times, water dumped over my head in my Sunday clothes, and you telling me off every week, I’m not stupid enough to wine and dine you. I’d either end up in the hospital with a concussion or lose my memory permanently.”

“Wow. You think so highly of me, makes me wonder why you’d even want to take me to your family’s party.”

“As I said, I don’t wanna go alone, and since this is a truce, I know you won’t attempt to slit my throat in my sleep.”