“I have to use the bathroom and can’t because…” I lift my wrist, and his hand comes with it.

For some unknown reason, he finds this to be the funniest thing in the world, almost to the point of choking.

“I have to pee!” I shout, so he stops laughing at me.

“Guess you’re gonna pop a squat in a stall with one of the bucket potties. I’ll be a gentleman and not watch. I’ll even hold the toilet paper for you.”

“You can’t be serious.” If looks could kill, he’d be six feet under.

“Does it look like I’m joking?” He moves his hand around his face, being overly dramatic.

I lock my jaw so tight it hurts, but my bladder can’t hold it much longer. There’s no way we’d make it to a bathroom. We’re at least ten minutes away.

Heading back to the supply stall, I grab a bucket, and Grayson finds one of the extra toilet seats that fits on top. It’s not an ideal situation, but it works when the ranch hands have to take a crap in the middle of their shift. A majority of the barns don’t have plumbing, and desperate times call for desperate measures. I snatch a roll of toilet paper from one of the drawers and shove it toward Grayson’s chest. He grins wide the entire time.

“I can’t believe this,” I say, setting up my portable bathroom. Once it’s all in place, I suck in a deep breath.

“If you look, I’ll make you wish you were dead,” I threaten.

“Only if you tie me up first,” he snaps.

I lower my jeans and panties, then sit on the bucket. As soon as I do, my need to go vanishes. At this point, I’m ready to cry. I have to go so badly, but I can't under the pressure. Now, I understand when my kids at school tell me they’re pee-shy.

I close my eyes, trying to pretend I’m anywhere but here. I think about oceans, summer rain, and even a faucet running. Nothing fucking works.

“You waitin’ on something?” Grayson finally asks with amusement.

“Shut up. It’s in my bladder, but it won’t come out because you’re so close I can hear you breathing.”

His entire body shakes with the laughter he’s trying to hold back.

Minutes later, a drop comes out, then a small trickle, and pretty soon a heavy stream. I sigh in relief.

“Toilet paper,” I say, waiting for him to hand it to me.

“Uh-oh,” Grayson mumbles under his breath, and I grow more ragey.

“What does that mean?” I ask with an edge.

“I left it in the supply room,” he tells me.

“You’ve got to be kidding me. You expect me to drip-dry after sweating my ass off doing half your job?” My voice goes up an entire octave, and I feel like I’m going to internally combust with anger.

“I’m just kiddin’. I should make you, but I’m not as cruel as you are to me,” he taunts, handing me the roll.

After I’ve pulled up my panties and pants, I grab the bucket. Grayson walks me to the pile we created so I can dump it and rinse it out.

For the rest of the day, I give him the silent treatment. He’s humiliated me enough, and though he thinks we’re even, we aren’t, not by a long shot.

After the barns are cleaned, Grayson takes me back to the B&B. He climbs out and leads me over to my SUV. We’re standing close, too close, and right now, all I want to do is push him on his ass, but I know I’d go down with him since we’re still attached.

“Welp, thanks for being my shadow today,” he sing-songs.

I glare at him. “Uncuff me.”

He pulls the key from his pocket, then throws it in the bushes with a laugh.

My eyes go wide, and I push against his hard chest. “What is wrong with you?”

He chuckles. “Whoops.”

I move to the bushes and get on my hands and knees, forcing him with me. I search furiously and, by some miracle, find the tiny silver key. With all my strength, I bring my wrist to my body and unlock myself.

“You’re so fucked,” I warn him when I’m finally free. “Totally fucked.”

“We’re even now,” he tells me sternly. “You left me for the wolves naked, and I made you work with me all day.”

“Even?” I scoff as I walk away. “That’s what you think.”

Chapter Six


I can’t believe this year is half over. It’s already the middle of June, which means it’s time for cow branding. We do this every summer for the new calves and cows the ranch has bought. Branding is important because if our cows wander off, the locals will know who they belong to.

Today will include a lot of horseback riding, and it’s one of the times I feel like a real cowboy. Especially since it’s done just like those on the great frontier.