“Yeah right!” I say with a laugh. “I’m surprised neither of us got sick.”

The sounds of clashing plates and chatter ring out in the dining room. As soon as we make our way to the buffet table, Maize comes from the kitchen carrying a pan of buttered biscuits. She gives me a second glance.

“You look like utter shit,” she mutters as I smooth down my wild hair.

“Thanks,” I murmur as she greets Lacey.

“Oh, so y’all had a party? Sad I couldn’t have come. But then again, not worth feeling like the way you two look.” Maize snickers.

“It was fun until it wasn’t,” I say, adding extra gravy to my biscuits and snagging a few sausage links.

“I’m gonna become a nun after that.” Lacey lets out a groan. “They can’t drink, right?”

“Sex,” I point out. “They can’t have sex.”

“Well, either way…” Lacey shrugs.

“The nun's life was my backup plan. See how well that worked out.” Maize chuckles, then makes her way back to the kitchen.

We sit down at the table across from Gavin, Riley, Diesel, Luke, and Payton. Of course as soon as they see us, they start talking amongst themselves.

“What the hell happened to you two?” Riley finally asks the burning question they all want the answer to.

“Look like they got ran over by a tractor,” Diesel adds with amusement.

“Hey, hey. Y’all are talkin’ way too loud.” I hold up my hand. “At least let me get some coffee in me before you start actin’ like rowdy assholes.”

This only encourages them to keep going. The next thing I know, the group of them are pulling up chairs to our table and joining us.

“Ugh,” I groan, and Lacey smiles when Luke sits next to her.

“Everyone, this is my friend Lacey. She’s a teacher too,” I say, and they all politely greet her.

“You like bein’ a teacher?” Luke asks.

“Love it,” she admits, and I think I might see a hint of a spark between them.

The chair next to me slides out, and Grayson sits down.

“Well, this day just keeps gettin’ better, doesn’t it?”

“Good mornin’ to you too.” He shoves a biscuit in his mouth, then continues, “Nice to see you’re in your usual mood.”

I ignore him, keeping my back to him.

“So you gonna tell us what happened and why you look like you were hit by a bus?” Payton asks.

“Tequila. A lot of it,” Lacey responds.

“Ahh. Explains it.” Luke gives Lacey a smirk, and she blushes.

“So what’re your plans today?” Grayson asks me.

“Don’t talk to me. We aren’t friends, and I don’t like you.”

Diesel shakes his head. “Dude. It’s clearly not the time.”

“It’s never the time.” Riley chuckles. “Kenzie obviously hates you, man. Give it up.”

I turn to him with a sarcastic smile. “Listen to your friends. They’re apparently smarter than you, which isn’t saying too much.”

“Hey!” Riley screeches. “I was on your side for once.”

“Yelling again.” I use my well-practiced teacher's tone. “Use your inside voice.”

“This is my inside voice,” Riley retorts, talking at the same volume.

Gavin finishes eating and stands. “Time to go, boys. We gotta do a lotta shit today and don’t have time to lollygag.”

Riley and Diesel are done eating, so they stand and put up their plates. Soon Payton and Luke clear out too. The only people left are Lacey, Grayson, and me.

I turn my body away from him and give Lacey my attention.

“Did you say you were gonna organize your closet today?” I ask her.

She finishes eating and pushes her plate away. “There’s no way in hell I can manage that. I’m going home, taking a bath, then climbing in bed. I’ll try again tomorrow when my head doesn’t hurt.”

I laugh. “Next time, let’s stick with wine.”

Grayson clears his throat, and then I feel something cold snap around my left wrist. When I look down, I notice he’s handcuffed me to himself. I gasp and narrow my eyes at him. What the fuck is he doing?

As hard as I can, I jerk my hand away. “Let me go.”

“No can do, sweetheart. Lost the key.” He shrugs.

“Are you a dumbass?” I squeal, my heart rate climbing.

He chuckles. “Guess you’re spending the day with me then?”

“I swear, Grayson, if you don’t uncuff me right now, you’ll live to regret it.”

Lacey snickers, and I narrow my eyes at her. “Well. I guess you two have your afternoon planned.”

“Please don’t leave me with him,” I beg, but she winks, then stands to leave.

“You’ll be okay. Just let me know how it goes.” She pats my head before walking away.

“Grayson,” I say between gritted teeth. “This isn’t funny.”

“It’s not supposed to be. This is payback, baby.”

When my dad walks up, I jerk my hand below the table. The last thing I need is him noticing we’re cuffed together.

He looks curiously between Grayson and me. “What are you two up to?”

“Nothin’,” I quickly say. “Was just telling Grayson he needs to fuck off.”