“Well, this’ll keep Grandma off my back for a few months at least.”

Maize glares at me. “Yeah, that’s exactly why we did it.”

Gavin comes over, and Grayson pats him on the shoulder. “Congrats, man. Heard you’ll be chasing three little ones around.”

“I guess so.” He crosses his arms with a grin, then shrugs. “Just couldn’t get the wifey off me.”

“Gavin, oh my word. Shush. If I recall, I told you to let me sleep,” Maize throws back, and we laugh.

“What if you have twins again?” I muse.

“Don’t you dare send out that energy.” She points a finger at me. “After this, he’s gettin’ snipped.”

“I beg to differ,” Gavin retorts.

Maize leans in close. “If you ever wanna have sex again, you’ll do it, especially after I pop out three humans. Got it?”

Gavin holds back a smile as he nods in agreement.

Moments later, Mom calls us into the kitchen, and we help bring the food to the table. I’ve been staying with Grayson almost every night, so I don’t see my parents as much.

“Kenzie, how are things goin’ with the foster program?” my mom asks after we take our seats and dig in.

“Really good. I’m going through some of the classes now, then they’ll do a house inspection. After the training, they’ll review my application and determine if I’ve been approved or not.” I told them about my plans to do a foster to adopt program a few months ago but haven’t updated them.

“Oh, they’ll come to the house?” Dad asks.

“Yeah, they need to make sure it’s safe and meets all their requirements but actually…” I hesitate and inhale a deep breath. “Grayson and I are fixing up his place, and then I’ll be moving in.”

After we became official, Grayson told me he wanted to be involved with fostering too, so we’ve been doing a lot of planning together. We agreed that updating the second bedroom was first on our list. Though I was ready to do this alone, I was so damn happy when he suggested we apply as a couple.

“As if you aren’t already living there?” Maize chuckles.

“That’s really great, sweetie. I’m excited for you guys,” Mom says. “Just make sure you come visit often.”

Dad nods in agreement.

“Of course. I’ll still see you at school and Dad at the B&B. You couldn’t get rid of me if y’all tried.” I smile and am relieved to have their support. It’s a big change but one I’m definitely ready for.

“Do you get to pick what age or gender?” Dad asks.

“You can specify those things, but I didn’t. I’ll be happy to help any child who needs it,” I reply. Some kids are only short-term, meaning they could be there for one night or a few months, whereas some end up staying for years. I just hope to match with one I can eventually adopt.

“That’s pretty neat,” he responds. “You’re doin’ an amazing thing, kiddo.”

“You really are,” Mom adds.

“Well, I was inspired by you and always admired y’all’s story.” I grin.

“Wait, I don’t think I know this one?” Grayson chimes in. “Do I?”

“Mom was Maize’s nanny before she and Dad got together, and then she raised Maize like she was her own.”

Maize looks at Mom and starts to tear up. “Ugh, damn hormones.” She wipes her eyes, and we chuckle.

After lunch, Maize escapes to the B&B to set up for our traditional dessert buffet. The entire family shows up, and we feast on pies, cakes, cookies, and bars. Though I’m as stuffed as a turkey, I can’t wait to have one of everything. Grayson and I help clean the kitchen while Gavin chases the twins around.

“Y’all are goin’ to San Antonio tomorrow, right?” Mom asks as I wipe the countertop.

“Yep, we gotta be on the road early to make it there by noon,” I say.

Grayson has made good on his promise to his mother that he’d make an effort to visit, especially during the holidays. Though everything’s out in the open with his brother and stepsister, they haven’t completely made amends. I’m not sure they ever will, and I wouldn’t blame him for not wanting to. However, for his mom’s sake, he decided we’d go and keep the past in the past. I know it’s not easy for him to be around the people who betrayed him, but it’s a step in the right direction, and I’m proud of him. Maybe it’ll be water under the bridge this time next year, and they’ll have a relationship again.

“I hope to meet your family someday, Grayson,” she tells him. “You should invite them out for Christmas.”

His eyes widen as he searches for the right words. “Maybe.”

“Whatever you’re comfortable with, no pressure.”

“Thanks, Mrs. Bishop.” Grayson smiles, giving her a side hug.

Once the kitchen is cleaned and the leftovers are put away, Grayson and I go to the B&B early to help Maize. We walk in, and I realize I wasn’t the only cousin who thought to show up before the rush. Ethan and Harper are already here with baby Hayden and Grandpa Scott.