Next, I show him the small class library I have in the back corner. “This is where the kids pick their books for the week, but I also use it in the event a child needs some alone time.”

“Ah, yes. First grade’s stressful.”

I give him a look. “Not just that, some get overstimulated and need a moment to themselves. It’s how I am after dealing with you for five minutes.”

He flashes me a look. “So I overstimulate you?”

I try to hide my smile but fail when I burst into laughter. “You wish.”

“Every damn day, Kenzie Bishop. Just say the word.” He beams.

I shake my head as I grab my notebook and pen from my desk. “Let’s go. Lots to cover.”

He follows me to the empty parking lot, which helps me get a visual. While it’s not a huge space, it’ll work for what we need it for.

“So the plan is to have fifteen to twenty booths for trick-or-treating. Businesses will pay a fee and can set it up however they want, as long as there’s a theme. Costumes are required,” I explain. “All the proceeds will go to a good cause. Each booth will be decorated and hand out candy.”

“That sounds cool.”

“I also want to do a silent auction and bake sale, so I need sign-ups for that as well. Maize is already on board, of course, but it’s nice to involve as much of the community as possible. Then I’d like an apple cider and hot cocoa booth, apple bobbing, and face painting. There should also be games where the kids can win prizes,” I say, reading off my list. “Oh and I saved the best activity for last...the hay maze. I’ll need some of the guys to load up the trailer and bring out dozens of round bales, then set them upright so the kids can run through it. Maybe have some of them dress up and spook them too.”

“I’ll put Knox on that job,” he says, laughing. “But it should be easy enough to get done. I can draw out a design for it too.”

“That sounds great, but not too hard. This is for kids, remember.”

“Oh come on…” He smirks. “What’s the fun in that?”

“Grayson,” I deadpan.

He holds up his hands in surrender. “Fine, fine. Have it your way.”

“Good. Moving along.”

I walk him around, showing him where everything should go, including the tables and tents. After the kids get candy at the booths, there’ll be other fun activities as well. I want it to be a memorable event that they look forward to each year.

“So I think that about covers it.” I glance over my list one last time as we make it to the front of the school.

“Sounds awesome. Everyone’s gonna love it, especially the kids,” he says genuinely, turning toward me. His eyes scan down my face and land on my mouth. Instinctively, I lick my lips as he studies them.

“Thanks, I hope so. And I hope it raises a lot for scholarships and extra school supplies. These kids deserve it all.”

“They’re very lucky to have you and everyone who’s participating.”

I nod with a smile. “The first thing I need to do is contact all these businesses.”

“I can take half of them to make it go faster. Most won’t be able to resist my good looks and natural charm.”

“Just when I thought you were maturing.” I make a list and hand it to him.

“I’m very mature. But remember, you’re the one who paid the twins to dump shit in my truck. Talk about being mature.”

I chuckle with a shrug. “I ran out of ideas.”

“Thank God because I don’t think I wanna know what you’d try next.”

“Luckily, neither of us have to worry about that anymore.”

“Speaking of which, ya ready for next weekend? I know it’s a lot to ask you to be around my family. But if all goes as planned, we’ll show up and chat for a few hours, then head back to the hotel before dark. We’ll leave the next morning after breakfast.”

“Yeah, I guess. Parents naturally love me, though,” I sing-song.

He grins, brushing a hand through his hair. “I’m sure they do.”

“Well, thanks again for coming and offering to help,” I say, lingering as the tension between us grows awkward.

“I’m glad to do it, Kenzie.” He steps forward, making my heart pound harder. “Seriously. I’m relieved you’re finally not pushing me away and letting me help. You can’t do everything yourself. You’ll burn out. Plus, I’ll always be here as your friend, if that’s what you want.”

Is that what I want? Hell, I don’t even know anymore.

Grayson nearly erases the space between us as he moves closer. When I don’t respond right away, he tips my chin up and forces me to look in his eyes.

As I contemplate my next move, I wonder if his lips taste the same after all these years. Before I can decide, my phone rings, and the sudden interruption makes us jump.