“Why the hell are you still here?”

“Grayson, please.”

I gently grab her arm, and she thinks it’s to bring her closer, but instead, I lead her across the room. “You need to go.”

As I guide her into the hallway, I give her one more look. “We’re over. Deal with it or don’t, but you’re not welcome in my life anymore. You’ve stolen enough from me already, Bella.”

“We’re family, Grayson!” she shouts after I close the door, then pounds her fist against it. “You can’t avoid me forever! I’m your stepsister!”

I close my eyes because she’s right, and I hate that she is. Broken up or not, we’ll always be linked together because our parents got married, and the baby I thought was mine will now be my nephew.

Maybe it’s time I get the fuck outta this town. Right now, all I want and need is a fresh start.

Chapter One



She’s lying to me and everyone else, but especially to herself.

I can see right through it, but I can’t figure out why.

This has been going on for over five years, and honestly, I’m tired of her games. The way she dismisses me, acts as if I don’t exist anytime I’m around, and purposely taunts me with her delicious curves.

Mackenzie Bishop will be the death of me.

I started at the Circle B Ranch to help with the cattle operation while she was away at college. The manager, Diesel, introduced us, and Kenzie stood there, giving me the side-eye. When I finally reached out to shake her hand, her jaw dropped as if I’d offended her.

I just mentioned how nice it was to meet her. Though I was thinking how gorgeous she was and wondered how her lips would taste.

Since that day, she’s hated me for no goddamn reason.

After years of taunting and bickering, I had hoped she’d finally tell me why she despises me so much. Or we’d fall into bed together and work out our frustrations the fun way.

No such luck.

“So, Kenzie, you gonna wear my favorite pink thong down the aisle this weekend?” I ask while her back is to me. I can only imagine the glare she’s sporting right now.

“You’re gonna let me borrow your underwear? How sweet.” She looks over her shoulder and smirks.

Diesel, Riley, and Gavin—the other ranch hands—shake their heads at me.

“Why do you even try anymore?” Riley, Kenzie’s cousin, asks. The four of us are sitting at a table at the Circle B Bed & Breakfast eating together, as per our daily tradition. The B&B sits on the Circle B Ranch and hosts hundreds of guests a year, including the workers, who eat between morning chores. It’s owned by the Bishops, and most of the family’s involved with the ranch in some way.

Kenzie’s a schoolteacher in town, and her older sister, Maize, is the head chef at the B&B. Occasionally, Kenzie will stop by in the morning for coffee and bagels before work.

“One day, she’ll snap,” I declare. “One day. Then it’ll be on.”

Diesel snorts, shaking his head. “The day Kenzie brings a man home is one I don’t wanna miss.”

“Me neither. Watching Grayson fight some guy for a woman who hates him would be the ultimate entertainment,” Gavin adds. Not only is he Maize’s husband but he’s also at least ten years older than me and twice my size, so it’s not like I can even sucker punch him for that comment.

“Hey, assholes. Workin’ here has gained me a six-pack and an extra thirty pounds of muscle. So eat shit,” I say, then shove more food in my mouth. Maize’s cooking is so damn good and irresistible, but the carbs are worth it. Especially when I catch Kenzie staring any time I have my shirt off.

“I still can’t believe Ethan and Harper paired you up to walk down the aisle together in their wedding. That’s a catastrophe waitin’ to happen,” Diesel says.

“I was just as surprised as you were,” I admit. “But I’m takin’ full advantage to find out why she pretends to hate me so much. When she’s drunk too much at the reception, I’ll be there to drive her home. She won’t be able to resist my charm,” I respond with a shit-eating grin.

“So confident for a guy who she’s kicked in the balls and dumped buckets of water over your head,” Riley taunts.

“That’s called foreplay, my friends. All leading up to the moment we—”

My jaw snaps shut the moment I notice John Bishop—the manager of the B&B— standing at the end of the table with his arms crossed over his chest.

He’s also Kenzie’s father.

“I wouldn’t finish that sentence if I were you.” He looks like he’s daring me to give him a reason to kick my ass out.

“No, sir,” I say politely.

When John walks away, it’s so quiet I could hear a pin drop.