Page 43 of Propositioning Love

“Feng wants all this shit to end so he can move on. I agree, I think it’s salvageable. But both of us want a heavy hitter here. Can you put a hold on what you have going on in Atlanta?” he asks, and I can hear in his voice the aggregation it must be causing him to have to call me for that kind of help.

“Fuck,” I curse loudly as I turn to look out the window.

I’m right in the middle of a fucking buyout here, goddammit. Roger can’t leave what he’s doing, and I don’t trust another one of our guys with the Singapore takeover.


“Hold on, let me see what I can do. No possible way we can do a conference call?” I ask, but I already know the answer.

“No, and thankfully it looks like they’re breaking for the night. What do you want me to do?”

“Hold them there for a minute and let me talk to Ariel,” I say.

Putting Daniel on hold, I go through a quick litany of foul words before I connect with Ariel.

“What’s going on?”

“I need to fly to Singapore today. Get the corporate jet ready to go and get it down here. I know Roger is using the other for England, but I need to head out to Singapore as soon as possible. Also, I need all the info you can get me on the Wong deal. It’s about to go south,” I say into the phone.

“Okay, I’ll get it done. Do you need me to come with you for this?” she asks.

“No, you’re going to finish up interviews here and then give me a rundown on who can be let go as soon as I get back. We’re going to see if we can turn this company around,” I say before I disconnect.

“Fuck!” I shout into the quiet office.

Pushing connect with Daniel, I say, “Alright, I’ll be flying over this afternoon. I’ll call you once I have a landing time. Keep them in meetings until I get there, and make sure it’s unknown that I’ll be there. Let’s see if we can scare them into doing the right thing.”

“You’re going to scare them shitless,” Daniel says with a low laugh. “I’ll keep it under wraps, and I’ll see what I can get Feng to do for us.”

“Good. See you later,” I say and hang up.

“Shit!” I so don’t need to be fucking leaving the goddamn country, much less the fucking city. I’ve got shit I have to do here.

Standing up from my desk, I walk out of the office and pass Ariel as I head back toward the row of cubicles that my love is sitting in. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck…

There just isn’t enough angry cusswords in the world to describe how pissed off I am that I have to leave her.

I lightly tap Zoe on the shoulder and she turns around, pulling her earbuds from her sexy ears.

“Hey!” she beams at me.

“Hey baby, we need to talk,” I say, and nod my head back toward my office.

A concerned look etches into her face as she stands up and follows me back to my office. Grabbing her hand lightly, I give it a small squeeze.

Pulling her through the door of the office, I all but slam it shut as I push her hard against the wall. My mouth finds the side of her neck and I give it a hard suck before kissing my way to her lips.

Her small hands reach up to grab my shirt, pulling me hard into her.

I can feel her desire as much as my own as I give in briefly to the temptation to kiss her with all the passion I have in me.

Pulling away from her, I whisper, “Fuck, baby, you’re going to kill me one day with kisses like that.”

My heart slams in my chest. Just the thought of kissing her sends my pulse racing through the roof.

She smiles up at me and slowly relaxes her grip on my shirt. “I could say the same thing myself.”

God, I love this woman.

I nod my head toward the inner office then I walk to my desk and lean against the front of it.

“What’s going on?” she asks as she takes a seat in one of the chairs.

Sighing loudly, I look down into her eyes and frown. “I have to leave—”

“What?” she asks loudly before I can continue.

“I got a call from a guy in my company. We have a takeover happening in Singapore right now that is going down the tubes. He needs me to come over and straighten things out before it’s completely wasted. Which reminds me, do you have a passport?”

Eyes wide, she shakes her head quickly. “No, I don’t have one… But why do you have to go?”

Fuck, I was afraid of that.

“Because I’m the guy that comes in and destroys companies at my whim…” I say as I motion to the walls around me.