“Usually you hear that about girls, not guys.”

“One day I’ll have to take over the business, so I have to be careful with whom I date.”

“So, no escorts?” I half-joke, hating how different our lives are. I don’t know anything about his family business, but I can tell by the way he speaks, carries himself, dresses… the money he has… he comes from a nice, high-class family—the complete opposite of my upbringing.

His bright blue eyes sear into mine. “That’s not who you are.”

I break eye contact and take a bite of my food, not bothering to argue with him. We both know that even though I no longer spread my legs for money, I’m not the kind of woman you take home to your family.

We eat in silence, and I try not to dwell on my negative thoughts. I knew what this weekend was going into this. They came to La Stella’s to spend a weekend with escorts. Liam may not have hired me, and he’s not paying me, but the intention is still the same.

“Hey,” he says after his plate is clean. “My life…” He releases a harsh breath. “You could be Mother Theresa and probably still not fit in.” He laughs, but it’s devoid of all humor. “If my dad wasn’t sick… if I didn’t have these obligations to my family… I need you to know that this weekend would only be the beginning for us.”

I nod stiffly. “I’m not under any illusions about what this weekend is.”

He opens his mouth to say something else, but before he can, I plaster on a fake smile and stand. “I’m thinking, while we’re here and have this room at our disposal, we take advantage of it.” I waggle my brows playfully, determined to get the mood back up, before things get deep and awkward. This is my make-believe fairy tale and I’m not going to let it be ruined by reality.

Liam’s brows furrow, and I hold my breath, hoping he’ll let it go. When he pushes out a soft sigh and nods, I release a breath of relief.

“I’m thinking out here… on the balcony.” I step over to the wrought iron railing and place my hands on it, jutting my jean-clad ass out. “From behind.”

He smirks playfully. “I think I like your line of thinking.”

After slowly removing each other’s clothes, we spend the remainder of our time at the vineyard getting lost in each other.

“Wake up, sleepyhead,” Liam says softly into my ear. I open my eyes and realize I fell asleep on the plane ride back home.

“Sorry,” I croak out.

“Don’t be sorry,” he murmurs, tucking a stray hair behind my ear. “I enjoyed watching you sleep.”

When we get back to the hotel, he excuses himself to make a quick phone call and steps out onto the balcony. Still feeling groggy, I head into the bathroom to splash some water on my face. I only have a short time with Liam, so I don’t want to spend it half-asleep. I notice the huge spa tub in the corner and decide on a bubble bath for the two of us.

After turning the water on and filling the tub with bubbles, I strip out of my clothes, then light a couple candles. I lower the dimmer for the lights and then step into the bathtub. The hot water feels so good, I’m almost positive it’s going to put me to sleep instead of waking me up. I pull my hair up into a messy bun and lie back against the cushion headrest, enjoying the quiet moment.

“Is there room in there for one more?” Liam asks.

I open my eyes. “Definitely.”

Once he’s removed his clothes, he steps into the bathtub, and I move forward slightly, so he can sit behind me. He encircles his arms around me and then pulls me to his chest. I sigh in contentment, wishing I could freeze time and we could stay just as we are for a while.

Liam kisses my bare shoulder and massages circles over my flesh—my breasts, my arms, my sides—but he never takes it a step further. When I reach behind me to get things going, he catches my wrist and entwines our fingers. “I just want to sit like this,” he says, “with you.”

He kisses the sensitive spot behind my ear and I close my eyes, willing the tears that are filling not to fall. Why is it that the man who has me feeling all these emotions is the one man I can’t have?

Chapter Six


I haven’t even opened my eyes, but I can already feel him gone. It’s crazy that only after two nights together I already know what his presence feels like, but I do. I peel my eyes open and glance around and, sure enough, his luggage is gone. His clothes, which were strewn all over, are missing.