He opened his mouth to tell her so, but as she neared the bed, he noted her eyes weren’t on him. They were on his nightstand.

Thane looked over to see what had her attention and then froze.

A quick glance back at Regan confirmed his fears.

She was staring morosely at the photo of Fran and him.

It had always been there. Thane had never had reason or want to move it.

But guilt suddenly gnawed at him as Regan dropped her gaze.

“I’m going to put the coffee on.” She didn’t look at him. Just threw a small smile in his general direction before leaving the room.

It wasn’t the first time he’d caught Regan looking at the picture. It was, however, the first time he felt like he’d done something wrong by leaving it there.

Sitting up, Thane scrubbed a hand over his face as he contemplated the situation.

If it were the other way around and he’d spent all night in Regan’s bed only to wake up to the photo of another man on her nightstand—his gut clenched at the thought.

Looking back at the picture, he exhaled slowly.

* * *


The photo of Fran was gone.

When Thane didn’t come downstairs for his coffee, I sucked it up, deciding I was being a jealous, selfish moron. Last night he’d taken a night that could have gone down as one of the worst of my life and turned into one of the best.

With mugs in hand, I ventured upstairs, determined to shove my confused thoughts about Fran to the back of my head.

When I returned to the bedroom, Thane was dressed in his pjs and sitting on the end of the bed with his head in his hands.

And the photo on his nightstand was gone.

Contrition filled me. I placed the coffee on the now-empty spot and sat down beside him. “You moved the photo.”

Thane lifted his head and nodded. “It was time.”

“I didn’t mean to be obvious about it … or make you feel bad.”

“The photos bother you.” He sighed.

“Not all of them. Fran is Eilidh and Lewis’s mom. Your first love. She should be here in the house with them, with you. I … the one on the nightstand is … it’s different from the ones downstairs. Those are about you all as a family. That one is about you and her. I … I’m not going to lie and say it doesn’t make me jealous.” I couldn’t meet his eyes. “But it also makes me hurt for you. Fran was obviously the love of your life, and you clearly can’t move on from her, and I don’t want that for you. I don’t want you to not be able to love again.”

“You got all that from a picture on a nightstand?” His question was defensive, harsh, and it drew my gaze. He glared at me, and I glowered back.

“Not just that. You never talk about how she died. Ever. Why is it such a big secret?”

Thane shook his head, confused. “It’s not a big secret. I assumed you knew. That one of the family told you or that Robyn told you as soon as you got here.”

Now I was confused. “You haven’t been keeping it from me?”

“Why would I?” He turned to me. “I don’t talk about it because it was the worst thing I’ve ever experienced … but that’s different from keeping it from you.”

Fear coiled in my gut. God, Thane, what happened? I wanted to ask, but not after what he’d just said. I didn’t want to torment him because I was screwed up over loving a man who didn’t want to love me back.

Thane sat up straight and stared around the room. Finally, he said, “Everything is different in here. The rest of the house is decorated pretty much as Fran and I decorated it together. But this room … I had to change it. Paint, floors, blinds, furniture …” He glanced over his shoulder, a haunted look on his face. “New bed, new mattress … She died in our bed,” he announced abruptly, and I sucked in a harsh breath.

At the awful look in his eyes, my tears spilled over.

“One morning the alarm went off as it always did, and I woke up. I thought Fran was still asleep … but as I started to wake up properly, I realized there was an unnatural stillness about her.

“She was just … gone.” I saw his disbelief. “And I was in a nightmare. How do you go to sleep with your wife breathing beside you … and wake up and her body is there, but she’s not in it anymore?”

The pain I felt for him burst out in a sob before I could stop it, and he reached for me, catching my tears on his thumbs.

“It was a brain aneurysm,” he whispered. “Died in her sleep. Peaceful, they told me. A peaceful way to go. For her. And for that, I will forever be grateful.”