“No… Actually, I was wondering if I could hang out here for a while. I have the neighbors from hell, and I need to get some work done. I can’t focus with their music blaring through my ceiling.”

“I hear that,” she replied. “I’m so glad me and Dylan are finally moving into an actual house.” She shook her head. “Sorry, yeah, of course. Stay until close if you really want.”

“Thanks. You’re a star.” I put my bag on the nearest table—this store was practically half library, to be honest—and looked back at her. “I’m running to the café to get some lunch. Do you want anything?”

“I won’t turn down a vanilla latte,” she replied. “Actually, make it two. Holley’s always a demon after she’s spoken to someone on the phone.”

“No Kinsley?”

“Nope, it’s her day off.”

“You got it.” I smiled. “Mind if I leave my bag here?”

“Nope. I’ll keep an eye on it.”

“Thanks.” I quickly exited the store and made my way down the street to the café. I was, in fact, far too hungry not to get anything to eat, and I knew Piper provided the café with its bread for its sandwiches.

It was quiet, so it only took a few minutes for me to place and receive my order. After getting it—plus two slices of pie for Saylor and Holley as a thank you—I went back to Bookworm’s Books. Holley was talking to Saylor at the counter when I returned, and she turned to me with a beaming smile.

“Hi! I wasn’t expecting you anytime soon.”

“I know. Saylor said I could work here. My neighbors are loud.”

“Of course!” Holley paused. “Hey, we just got a delivery this morning. If I can find out your books, would you sign them for me?”

I smiled. “Sure thing. Here, this is yours.” I set the coffee holder on the counter and handed them both the box with the pie in from the bag. “As a thank you for letting me camp out here and work.”

Saylor opened the box. “Damn. You can work here all you want if we get free pie.”

I grinned. “That’s what I was hoping for.”

Laughing, Holley took one of the vanilla lattes. “Thanks, Maverick. That’s really sweet of you.” She raised the coffee. “I’m taking this to the back to find out your books. If you need another coffee, feel free to use the staff room.”

“And pay no attention to me at all when I take a photo of you to post on Instagram so I can brag you’re working in our store.” Saylor winked.

“Wonderful. Can I hide in the staff room if people come to bug me?”

“Saylor, don’t post it!” Holley called from somewhere in the store. “I mean it!”

“I won’t, I won’t. Not yet, anyway.” She grinned. “So… how was your date with Piper?”

I paused. I assumed she had no idea about the fact we’d already met and slept together, so I wasn’t going to drop that into the conversation. I needed to keep Piper on my good side.

“Didn’t work out,” I said slowly. “But she’s agreed to help me with research for the book I’m working on, so it wasn’t a total bust.”

“Damn, that’s a shame. I thought you two would get along well.” She shrugged. “Let me guess, she’s still adamant she’s not interested in dating?”

“Something like that,” I replied. “I’m not hugely into it either right now, and I only went because Holley had set it up.”

“Makes sense. You don’t live here, do you?”

“Temporarily. Since Piper’s helping me with research, I need a better place than the one I’m in. I don’t suppose you know any realtors who can help me, do you?”

She paused. “White Peak Properties is probably the biggest one and more likely to help you. That’s who is helping us buy our place. Actually, I think there are a couple of rentals in the street over from us. Let me text my boyfriend. He’ll know better than me. Plus he works with the sister of one of the owner. Short term lease?”

I nodded. “Potential for a long one, I’m not sure yet, but immediately just six months or so.”

“Got it.” She pulled out her phone and tapped out a message. “Done. He’ll be able to find out for me.”

“Thanks, Saylor. I really appreciate it.”

“No problem.” She smiled, tucking her pink hair behind her ear. “I’ll let you work now. Let me know if you need anything.”

“I will, thanks.” I sat down at the table and set to getting my little corner ready.

There was something about White Peak.

I wasn’t even a Montana native, and it called to me. The surroundings, the mountains, the peace, the people…

For the first time in a very long time, I wondered if this might be the place to set down roots and call home.