He snorts out a laugh. “I’m a quick study, sweetheart. I knew where it was after I got that letter. I had to go outside and find it.”

We hop off the bed, don’t even bother with shoes, and head downstairs. Once outside, we walk to the back of the parking lot, away from the area used for smoking, and find a little spot between trees and some overgrown hedges. Ford pulls me into his arms, my back pressed firmly against his front, and we both look up.

“It’s a gorgeous night.”

“It is. I’m just happy to be sharing it with you in person, instead of a few hours away.”

“Me too,” I confess, my head resting on his chest.

After a few seconds, a star streaks across the sky. “Did you see that?” he asks, wonder and amazement filling his words.

“I did. You have to make a wish.”

“Already done,” he informs me, kissing the top of my head.

I close my eyes and say my piece. It’s more of a prayer than a wish. I figured the star gods wouldn’t mind. I pray for peace as I accept the loss of our baby and go through the grieving process. I pray for a smooth transition into whatever my future has in store for me, and I pray for comfort for Ford as he also deals with the emotions he feels concerning the loss of the baby, as well as not being with me when it happened.

“Did you make one?”

I chuckle. “I made three.”

“Me too.”

“You did?”

He nods. “Want to know what they were?”

“No, because then they won’t come true.”

“That’s a myth. I happen to know, for a fact, we make our own destiny, so sharing my wishes won’t hinder the outcome.”

I snort out a laugh and turn into his chest. “If you say so.”

“I wished for this next year to pass by quickly, so I get back to you as soon as possible. I also wished for peace and comfort for both of us as we grieve, and my third wish was for you to say yes when I finally ask you to marry me.”

I blink rapidly, trying to clear the wetness from my eyes, but it’s no use. The tears that have seemed to do nothing but fall for the last twenty-four hours are at it again, spilling in earnest from my eyes. “I know for a fact those three wishes will come true.”

“Yeah?” he asks, so much hope and happiness reflected in those eyes and echoing in his voice.

“Yep. We’re going to get through this because we have each other. And someday, when you decide to ask me to marry you, there’ll only be one answer you’ll get.”

He kisses me soundly once more, holding me close and refusing to let me go. “We’ve got this, Shayne. Do you know why?”

“Because you love me.” My reply is so easy, so natural. When I’m feeling weak, he’s my strength. When I’m down, he lifts me up. And vice versa.

“Because I love you,” he confirms. “And because you love me. We’re a team.”

He hugs me against his chest, and I just breathe him in, soaking up his strength, his reassurance, and his love. It pours from his heart and vibrates from his soul, wrapping around me so completely, as if it were always there, lying in wait for us to find each other. Like two pieces searching for the other half. For fear of sounding like a cheesy ’90s rom-com movie, he completes me.

If it were possible, I fall even more for Ford Gregory.

Beneath the fallen stars.

The next few days pass in a whirlwind of phone calls and online registrations, but by the time Ford is ready to head back to the base, we’re all set for his weekend leave.

Faith was in the process of interviewing potential roommates, but when her brother called and told her my plan, she threw all the applications out the window and insisted I move in. The cosmetology school accepted my application, and I even qualified for financial assistance to help cover some of the costs.

Telling my aunt and uncle was the hardest part. I’m going to miss them terribly. They’re my family. They helped raise me, even though I wasn’t their responsibility. I truly think they would have taken me from my mother had they had the opportunity. Being hours away from them both is going to be hard, but no one supports me as much as they do.

Except Ford.

He’s finally packing his bag after dragging his feet the last few hours. Now, it’s almost time for him to get on the road. He has to be on base tonight and ready to rejoin his team tomorrow morning. As hard as it is for him to go, I know it’ll only bring us closer to the day we’re finally together forever.