I love that you’re sleeping in my shirt. You need to send me a pillowcase or something, so I can sleep with your scent too. That sounds creepy now that I read it back, but I’m going to roll with it. I’m desperate to feel closer to you.

I know we talked tonight about a long weekend, and I hope we can make that happen soon. I’ll cover the room and whatever else you need while you’re here. Hell, I’ll fly you if you don’t want to drive. I just need to see you.

In your letter, we were at two weeks, and now we’re at three—forty-nine to go. I’ve decided that once this year is up, I’m done. I want a life with you. After three weeks, I know that distance between us isn’t what I want. I want to fall asleep with you in my arms and wake up to your smiling face. So, mark your calendar, beautiful. In forty-nine short weeks, I’m coming home for good.

LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(I’ll see your 22! And raise you 1!)

Forever yours,


Chapter 26


“I’ll take another Jack and Coke and a sex on the beach for the lady!” Connor hollers, his eyes dropping to the cleavage of the woman standing beside him, chatting animatedly with her friend. She barely looks a day over twenty-one, and if it weren’t for Jet already carding her and her friend when they arrived, I’d be doing it now.

I roll my eyes at the fruity girly drinks. Yep, definitely twenty-one.

“Aww, don’t be jealous, Shayne. You’re still my number-one girl. I can stop by later tonight, after I’m done with Sydni,” he adds, waggling his eyebrows suggestively.

I’m about to roll my eyes again, ignoring his nasty comment, when my stomach pitches. It’s been doing that all night, every time I catch a whiff of something sour. Like beer. I have to hold my breath with every draft I pour. It’s not exactly sour, but it’s definitely not sweet, and for some reason, it’s turning my stomach.

Ignoring Connor’s lewd offer, I make his drink and mix up one for his friend. When I add the cranberry juice, my stomach pitches hard, dropping to my shoes. I barely have enough time to cover my mouth before I’m bolting from behind the bar. The public restroom is closer, but there’s no way I’m using that tonight, not when my dinner from earlier is about to make a reappearance.

Pushing through the swinging doors for the kitchen, I run to the small employee bathroom back by Jet’s office. I don’t even have time to flip on the light before I’m dropping to my knees and hurling my guts up.

Just as I get the heaves to subside, I sit back against the wall and greedily suck in oxygen.

“You all right, kid?” I glance to the doorway and see Jet standing there, a concerned look on his face.

“I’m okay. I think I just ate something funny when I took my break.” I can feel the clamminess on my skin subsiding and the color starting to return. “I scarfed it down in like four minutes, so I’m sure it just didn’t settle right.”

Jet sighs. “I’m sorry to have to work you so much lately. It’s hard to get reliable help. I’m sure I can cover the last few hours, if you want to head up now.”

I’m already shaking my head. “Not necessary. It’s passing. I feel much better. I’ll stay.”

Jet watches me for a few long seconds before adding, “If you start to feel sick again, head home. I can handle it. And if not, they’ll just have to hold their damn horses until I get to them.”

I can’t help but smile. “That’s not good for tips.”

Jet chuckles. “When have I ever worried about making sure I get tips?”


In fact, for the first several months I worked here, I’m pretty sure he gave me all the tips at the end of the night, not just my half.

“Give me a quick second to wash my face and rinse my mouth, and I’ll be out, okay?”

He stares at me a few long seconds before he nods. “All right. Take your time.”

Then he leaves me in the tiny employee bathroom alone.

I quickly flush the toilet and grab a Clorox wipe to clean around the bowl and seat. Once that’s done, I wash my hands and pat my face with cool water. I can see a flush to my cheeks, but I don’t feel fevered. Clearly, it was something I ate earlier. Once my mouth is rinsed out, I flip off the light and return to the bar.

Connor isn’t where I left him, which tells me Jet must have finished his order, thankfully. I jump in and serve drinks, staying on the side of the bar closest to the bathroom, just in case. The yucky feeling from earlier has passed, and I’m actually starting to feel good.