“Well, at least there’s that. How much time do we have?”

“Maybe fifteen minutes,” she mumbles. “Sorry, I’m eating.”

“I don’t care. It’s so good to get to actually talk to you.”

“How are things?” she asks.

“Same old. I’ve been spending more time in the gym. The guys went to a local bar for a few beers, so I’ll probably hit the gym again when we get off the phone.”

“Why don’t you meet up with them?”

“Not really into that scene.”

“I work in a bar.”

“I know. I didn’t mean anything by it. There are usually a ton of girls there trying to latch on to one of us, and all I see is you.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too, baby.”

“I talked to Faith earlier today. She’s getting ready for classes. She’s excited for her final year of college.”

“She’s going to make a great teacher. She definitely has more patience out of the two of us.”

“I don’t know… you’re patient with me.”

“Because I love you.”

“True.” She laughs. I close my eyes and soak up the sound.

Slowly, I open my eyes. “The sky is clear here tonight.”

“Yeah. And it’s a full moon.”

“Hopefully it doesn’t bring out the crazies.”

“You and me both,” she agrees. “Luckily, Jet only needs me until eleven.”

“That’s good. Hey, I sent you a package. Did you get it?”

“I did. Thank you. I’m sorry, but I need to get back down there.”

“We knew this would be tough.”

“Yeah,” she whispers. “I love you, Ford. You’ve changed my life in so many ways in such a short amount of time. I don’t know how to thank you for that.”

“You just did. You love me, Shayne. That’s all I want and need.”

“I miss you.”

“I miss you too. Let me know when you can get a three-day weekend. I need to see you.”

“When can you get away?”

“I could meet up with you Friday night, and if it’s a weekend I’m off, I wouldn’t have to report back until Monday morning.”

“We could get our same hotel room.”

“Yes. I’ll look to see when I’m off, and you try to coordinate that with your schedule, and yeah.”

“It’s a plan.”

“Text me when you get home.”

“I will. Love you.”

“Love you too, baby.”

I end the call and rush back to my room to look over my schedule and immediately text her a few options for long weekends.

Shayne: Thanks! I’ll get with Jet and let you know.

Me: Perfect!

Placing my phone on the small nightstand, I see an envelope. I know immediately it’s a letter from Shayne. Chad must have left it when he went to check his mail. Tearing it open, I bring the paper to my face and inhale her floral scent. I read it three times before reaching for my notebook and pen. I might as well take advantage of the guys not being here and write my girl back.

Dear Shayne,

I just talked to you and came back to my room to find a letter from you. It was like hitting the lottery. I have the place all to myself. I read it three times, and now here I am writing you back.

Baby, I am so fucking proud of you. I wish I would have known this when we talked so I could have told you. You control your future, and if cosmetology is what you want, I support you. Free haircuts for life. LOL. In all seriousness, just reaching out to the school was a huge step for you, and I couldn’t be prouder. I want this for you. I want you to follow your dreams. If there is anything I can do, let me know. I have money saved, pretty much everything I’ve made over the last three years minus a few beers and some wings on the weekends. It’s yours. Whatever we need to do to make this happen, I’m all in.

Fill it out, Shayne! You’ve got this!

I hate that your mom isn’t a mother to you. I am grateful for your Aunt Joan, and now you have my mom too. She texted me the other day and told me you were a keeper. I’m not sure if it was Mom-speak or more Hallmark-talk, but either way, I agreed with her. I think I’ll keep you.

Hopefully, your mom doesn’t come knocking on your door next. I hate the thought of that happening and that I’m not there to support you through it. I know that you’re strong, and you can handle it. Hell, you’ve handled it your entire life, but you’re not alone anymore. We’re a team, and I feel like I’m not pulling my weight. I’ll have a lot to make up for when this year is over.

A girls’ trip sounds fun. Maybe you all can find your way to Fort Campbell? Just saying. Whatever the two of you decide to do, please be safe and enjoy yourself. You deserve all the joys in life.