Dropping down on my bed, I pull out my phone and read through my messages with Shayne today.

Shayne: We’re checking out of the hotel now. Headed home.

Shayne: Stopped to get gas and saw an older gentleman with a Veterans hat on his head, and I can’t help but wonder if that will be you and Chad in forty years.

Shayne: Made it home. My apartment isn’t the same without you.

Shayne: Just woke up from a much-needed nap. I’m heading downstairs to work.

My reply didn’t come until a few hours ago, when we were finally released for the day.

Me: Hey, babe. I’m glad you made it home safe. It’s been killing me that I couldn’t check in with you.

Me: I could totally rock a Veterans hat now and in forty years.

Me: Good. You needed the rest. Have a good night. I won’t be up when you get off. We have to be up at the ass-crack of dawn.

Shayne: Taking a quick break. Just wanted to say I miss you. Love you!

That one she sent about twenty minutes ago and was delivered with a selfie of her standing behind the bar, I stare at the screen, looking at her breathtaking eyes. She literally makes it hard to breathe when I look at her.

I can barely keep my eyes open, but I need to tell her goodnight. She might not get it until the end of her shift, but at least she’ll know that I’m thinking about her.

I’m always thinking about her.

Me: I’m calling it a night. I love you, be safe. Text me when you get into your apartment safe. It won’t wake me up. I’m exhausted—Miss you, Shay.

Plugging my phone into the charger, I strip down, and I’m asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

I groan when the alarm goes off at four. We have to be on the field for a workout at five. Tossing off the covers, I reach for my phone. Sure enough, there are a couple of messages from Shayne.

Shayne: I’m home. It was a hard night, but I made it through. Everything made me think of you.

Shayne: You’ve turned me into a sap, Gregory!

Those were both sent just after midnight. About a half hour later, she sent her last one of the night.

Shayne: Night, Ford. I love you, and I miss you. I spent some time with stars tonight. XO

Right below was a picture that I’m sure was taken from her bedroom window of the starry sky. Fuck me, I miss her something fierce, and this is my first full day without her.

Tossing my phone on my bed, I make my way to the bathroom to handle my business and brush my teeth. There is no point in showering. The workout is going to be grueling, and I’ll just need another after.

Once I’m dressed and have my bed made, I have about fifteen minutes before I have to report. Making my way to the window, I stare up at the star-filled sky and smile. I know my girl was looking at the same sky when she texted me last night. Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I snap a picture and send it to her.

Me: Morning, beautiful. This is my view early this morning. I can’t stop thinking about you. I love you too, and I miss you. Have a good day.

I’m sliding my phone back into my pocket when Chad and the guys call out for me. I run to catch up with them as we do our mandatory morning workout and five-mile run. The two-week break we got spoiled me. Then again, maybe it was just Shayne that spoiled me and sleeping next to her. I don’t mind working out. It’s been my daily routine for the last three years, either here on the base or deployed. We never miss a workout. It not only keeps us in shape, but it also keeps our minds clear and us healthy. That’s important in any line of work, but especially ours.

Dear Shayne,

The mail came today, and color me surprised when I got your letter. It was dated for the first day back at base, so I can only hope that I’ll get the others soon. I can’t tell you how excited I was to receive that envelope. I wasn’t expecting it, and it was a welcome surprise.

The days are counting down, baby. We’ve got this. As far as the notebook, I’ve got you. You can expect a shipment of notebooks, pens, stamps, and envelopes. Whatever it takes to keep getting these handwritten treasures from you.

I hate that you cried for me, but I’m glad that you and my sister had one another. I’m glad the two of you are keeping in touch. Thank you for your words, but I’m the one who is honored. To know that I have your love, that means more to me than you will ever know. I’m proud of you too, baby. You’re strong, and I know it’s hard for you to trust, yet you’ve given me the gift of yours, and I promise you I will cherish it always. Oh, and Garth Brooks, he can be one swoony fucker, I get it. I’m man enough to admit. He’s got me choked up a time or two. As far as the regulars, you know how I feel about them. That’s all I’ll say about that.