Hands tightening on her hips, I unleash everything that I’m feeling. Love for her, the passion that ignites between us, anger that I have to leave her, and sadness that she won’t be curled up in my arms every night when she falls asleep. Thrust after thrust in a feverish rhythm, I give us what we both need.

“There. Right there,” she pants. Both of her hands clasp the sheets as I give her everything. My grip on her hips is so tight I’m sure I’ll leave a bruise, but I can’t stop. She’s begging me not to stop. “I’m close, baby. Get there,” I tell her.

“I— Oh, God.” A deep, throaty, sexy-as-fuck moan falls from her lips, and I let go. Her pussy is squeezing me, as I spill my release inside her with a grunt and a moan of my own.

Sated, I grip the condom at the base of my cock and pull out of her. She whines, and I chuckle. “Let me take care of the condom. I’ll be right back.” I place a kiss on each ass cheek and the base of her spine before standing on shaking legs and disappearing into the bathroom. I handle my business before washing my hands. Snagging a washcloth from the counter, I run it through warm water and take it back to the bed to clean her up.

“What are you doing?” she asks. She’s now lying on her back. Her head lifted, watching me.

“Taking care of you.”

“I’m pretty sure you just did that.”

“You’re good for my ego.” I wink, then toss the washcloth into the bathroom, where it lands on the floor with a plop. “Are you okay?” I ask, lying down on the bed next to her.

“More than okay. I think I just had an out-of-body experience.”

“Go on, keep those compliments coming,” I tease.

She giggles and rolls over to bury her face in my chest. “Seriously, Ford. I have two words for you. Life. Altering.”

“Me too, beautiful. Me too.”

“When can we do that again?” she asks, tracing her hands over my abs.

“I need a little recovery time. Are you trying to kill me?”

She giggles and sits up, smiling at me. “You know what we should do?”

“What’s that?” I reach up to push her hair out of her eyes.

“We should go grab some snacks from the vending machine.”

“You want to get dressed and go get snacks from the vending machine?”

“Yeah, I mean, you can’t perform yet.” Her eyes glance at my cock before coming back to my face. “It will give us something to do in the meantime.”

“Apparently, I don’t need as much time as I thought.” I nod where my cock is standing at attention. “Just one look from you is all it seems to take.”

“So, again?”


She climbs off the bed and grabs another condom. This time it’s her who places the small package in her mouth and tears it open with her teeth. She bounces back to the bed and straddles my hips. I watch as she bites down on her bottom lip in deep concentration as she covers my cock.

“Can I try something?”

Clasping my hands together behind my head, I smile at her. “I’m all yours.” With a nod, she grips my cock and slowly lowers herself until I’m buried deep inside her.

“Oh,” she moans. As if that sound alone wasn’t enough, she tilts her head back and cups her breasts in her hands, tweaking her nipples, all while grinding her hips.

My hands that were casually behind my head fall to the bed and grip the sheets. This is her show, and I’m just along for the ride.

Hours later, after she rode me to ecstasy, both hers and mine, and about twenty dollars’ worth of vending machine snacks later, we’re showered and back in bed. Her back is to my front as I hold her. My eyes are heavy, but I can’t seem to let them close. I miss her already, which I know is impossible. She’s here in the flesh in my arms, but it’s true. The thought of being away from her is killing me inside.

I don’t know how the guys who are married do it—missing their wives, missing the birth of their children. I know that’s what I signed up for, and I’m still honored to be serving my country, but that was all before Shayne. I can’t help but wonder if I still would have enlisted if it was her I was dating in high school and not Sara. My gut tells me probably not. Not with the way I’m feeling right now.

Then again, maybe I wasn’t ready for this then. Everything happens for a reason, and maybe it was always meant to be this way. I know without a shadow of a doubt that Shayne is strong enough to endure me being gone. She has the courage and the will to be an army wife. I know I’m jumping ahead of myself, but it’s good to know that she has what it takes. She’s already put up with so much shit from her small town, and yet she’s still there. Slinging drinks no matter how many dirty looks or snide comments are thrown her way.