“That sounds nice,” he replies, pointing to a stone covered in stars. “Look at that one.”

“It’s gorgeous,” I agree, reading the perfect quote printed on the small concrete decoration. Only in the darkness can you see the stars.

Ford drags me inside the small store and grabs it from the window.

“What are you doing?” I ask as he tucks it under his arm.

“Buying it,” he answers with a shrug.

I can’t help but smile. “Uhh, you don’t have a garden.”

He pulls me against his broad chest, his warm breath caressing my forehead. “No, I don’t, but the saying made me think of you. Of us. We’re going to see a lot of darkness while I’m away, but the stars will always bring us back together.”

My throat thickens with emotion as I gaze up at this amazing man. How did I get so damn lucky?

He places a tender kiss on the end of my nose and steers me toward the counter. There’s someone in front of us, so I just take the opportunity to snuggle against the man who’s quickly become my everything. Ford kisses the crown of my head, and I smile when I hear him inhale my hair.

“Next,” the older woman behind the counter says as the one in front of us moves aside.

We step forward, my arm bumping into the lady as she juggles her purchases and her purse. “I’m sorry,” I say at the exact moment she turns around and glances up.



I glance between the two before my eyes finally stop on the woman beside me. She has long blonde hair and the lightest blue eyes. She’s super skinny with straight white teeth and boobs that appear a little too big for her slight frame. She’s gorgeous, really. Like a real-life Barbie doll.

Perfect in every way.

Then her eyes return to me, and it’s as if someone cranks up the air conditioning. I can feel the chill coming from her heart. This woman may be pretty, but I can tell she has an ugly side. It bleeds from ocean-colored eyes like a volcanic eruption.

And the way she’s glaring daggers at me lets me know that particular side is aimed straight at me.

Chapter 17


“I didn’t take you for one who would bring home a stray,” Sara sneers.

Shayne stiffens beside me. “Watch yourself, Sara,” I warn. My voice is cold and calculated. She’s put me through enough hell, and I refuse to let her get her claws into Shayne too.

“Really, Ford, you left me for her?”

“First of all,” I say, keeping my voice low. “You broke up with me. Second, it’s been over between us for years.” I’m trying my hardest to keep my cool. Shayne tries to pull away, but I keep my hand clasped tight around hers.

“We have history,” Sara says, batting her eyelashes at me. “It was always meant to be us.”

“No. It wasn’t meant to be us. If that were the case, you wouldn’t have dropped me like hot coals when I enlisted. It was always my plan, yet you thought you could change me. Tell me, Sara, what about that scenario says forever to you?”

“We have history.”

I shrug. “We grew up in the same town, on the same road. We were friends. Then we were more. Then you ended things. Now we’re over. Oh, by the way, I’d like to introduce you to my girlfriend. Babe, this is my ex, Sara.”

My lips connect with Shayne’s temple, and I feel her relax just a little. “It’s nice to meet you.” Shayne offers Sara her hand.

“He’ll come back to me.” Sara makes a point to look at Shayne with… pity? Disgust? I can’t quite name the look, but it pisses me the fuck off.

“No. I won’t,” I say through gritted teeth and much louder than intended, earning us a few odd stares. “Shayne is my future.” I look down at the beauty beside me. “It’s like she was made for me.” Her blue-green eyes sparkle at my words.

“Oh, stop with the googly-eyes bullshit. I can see through it. You’re putting on a show for me.”

“Yeah? You think so? Then why was Shayne the one who fell asleep in my arms last night? Why is she the first person I think about when I open my eyes and the last before closing them at night? Tell me, Sara, what do you think that means?”

“You!” Sara stomps her foot like a toddler. Casting a glare at Shayne and then me, she turns and huffs as she shows her true colors exiting the flower shop.

“I’m sorry about that,” I tell Shayne, pulling her into my arms. I hold her close, just needing to feel her, to wash away the evil that is my ex. After what Shayne’s already been through this week with the simple-minded fucks in her hometown, this is the last thing she needs.