A few tears fall as I turn and relax against the wall. “Thank you.”

“You don’t need to thank me for protecting and caring for you, Shayne. Never. Now, as much as I’d love to stay up all night, talking to you on the phone, you have a big morning. I’m going to let you go so you can pack and get yourself organized.”


“Good night, sweetheart. See you soon.”

“Night, Ford. I can’t wait.”

And then he’s gone, leaving me alone in my small apartment with the sound of laughter and country music humming through the floorboards.

Except, I don’t really feel alone. Not in the same sense that I always did.

Ford is here, even though he’s not physically in the apartment. I can smell his clean soap still clinging to the couch and see the cup he used this morning sitting by the sink. He’s everywhere, surrounding me in comfort and strength, even when he’s gone.

And in a matter of hours, I’ll be seeing him again.

My body physically aches to feel the warmth of his arms wrapped around me.

I’m not sure how easily sleep will come tonight, but the anticipation will carry me through.

Until I see him again.

Chapter 15


I haven’t slept. I couldn’t stop thinking about Shayne. About how I wanted to wrap her in my arms and tell her everything is going to be okay. I couldn’t stop thinking about how she’s going to be here in a matter of hours. Scratch that. Now it’s a matter of minutes. She called to tell me her GPS is telling her she’s five minutes away.

I’m fucking ecstatic to see her.

“Mom and Dad are going to need to replace the flooring if you don’t stop pacing. At least mix it up and forge a new path,” Faith jokes.

“She’s almost here,” I say, stopping to pull back the curtains and peek out the window.

“Is this what you had to deal with the last week?” Faith asks Chad.

“No, but it is entertaining.”

“Dick,” I mutter good-naturedly. “She’s your cousin. Are you not happy to see her?”

“I would say yes, but I have a feeling that you’re going to be monopolizing all of her time.” Chad gives me a look that dares me to deny it.

“I can’t help it,” I say, dropping the curtain. “I—never mind.” I shake my head.

“No, what were you going to say?” Faith asks.

“I don’t know, really. I can’t explain it. I feel this connection to her. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever felt. It’s fucking crazy. I’ve known her for a week, but damn if it’s not that. This… vise in my chest grips tight anytime I think about her or hear her voice. Hell, if I hear her name.”

“Aw, Ford, you love her,” Faith says, her voice soft.

“No. No.” I shake my head. “I can’t love her, Faith. That’s absurd. It’s been a week. A handful of days.” It’s too soon.

“Maybe, but you know her. You said last night Chad talked about her all the time.”

“Yeah, but that was when I thought she was a man. I didn’t know her then as the beautiful woman with dirty-blonde hair and gorgeous blue-green eyes.” The words are barely out of my mouth when I hear tires on the gravel. Pulling back the curtains, I see her car pulling into the driveway. Turning to rush out to see her, Chad beats me to it as he hops off the couch and makes a beeline for the door.

Faith is laughing hysterically as I chase after him. He reaches her first and wraps her in a hug as soon as she steps out of her car. “Hey, cousin.” He grins down at her.

“Chad.” She laughs, and the sound, it’s fucking musical.

“Can you step away from my girl?” I ask my best friend, irritated.

“She’s your girl, huh? You know about this?” He looks down at Shayne.

“I had a pretty good idea,” she says, smiling up at me. “Hey, Ford.”

“Come here.” I hold my hand out for her, and I don’t know if Chad lets her go or if it’s her will to be in my arms, but she pulls away from him, and within two steps, my arms are wrapped around her. I bury my face in her neck and breathe her in—less than twenty-four hours without Shayne. I don’t know how I’m going to handle being back on base without her.

“Back up, you brute!” Faith says, pulling on my arm. “I need a turn.”

I chuckle and pull back from Shayne, keeping my arm around her waist. “Shayne, this is my twin sister, Faith. Faith, meet my Shayne.” Shayne leans into me, but Faith isn’t having it.

“I need a hug.” Faith steps into Shayne’s personal space and wraps her in a hug. She winks at me over Shayne’s shoulder before pulling back. “It’s great to meet you. This one”—she points me—“can’t stop talking about you.”