“You got lucky. Besides, I was sidetracked.”

“By what?” I ask, returning with the cards and my phone.


I blush. Ford Gregory is as smooth a talker as they come, but for some reason, it doesn’t feel like a line when he says things like that.

We end up ordering dozens of wings from the bar downstairs, along with a variety of fried sides, and while the food is being made, he deals the cards. I learn quickly Ford is a much better rummy player than he was a fisherman.

By the time Jet knocks on the door with containers of food, my sides hurt from laughing, and for the next few hours, we eat, we laugh, and play cards.

It’s one of the best nights of my life.

“Strike!” I holler, throwing my arms up victoriously before adding a little shimmy and a shake.

“Yes!” Cassie bellows, joining me in our celebratory dance. “We win again! Girls rule!”

“I think we were hustled,” Ford grumbles to Chad as they watch us rejoice in our latest victory.

“Uh, yeah. Either that or you’re just really bad at bowling,” Chad teases.

“Me? You barely hit a one hundred. Maybe next time we play with bumpers?” Ford asks, standing up and stretching. When he does, his T-shirt moves up, exposing a little sliver of tanned, toned skin with a light dusting of dark hair. The same skin my hand was resting on this morning when I woke.

Chad glances at his wrist. “It’s probably time to go. Shayne, you have an hour until you start work.”

I sigh, my excitement now crushed into a deep sadness I try to hide behind a grin. “Yeah, you’re right. What are your big plans tonight?” I ask, sitting down and removing my ugly bowling shoes.

“Mom’s making me my favorite, pot roast, for dinner. I wish you didn’t have to work so you could join us,” he replies, slipping his own shoes off and replacing them with work boots.

“Maybe next time,” I whisper, trying to keep my focus on replacing the socks on my feet with flip-flops and not on the fact my cousin leaves early tomorrow afternoon.

And with him, Ford.

“But we thought we’d come up and hang with you afterward since you’re closing,” he adds, standing up and grabbing his shoes.

When I look up, I see Ford already has his own shoes on, as does Cassie, and all eyes are on me. I feel mine well up with tears, but I quickly blink them away and pick up my shoes, shoving my no-show socks in my bag. “Tuesdays are usually slow, so I should be able to visit with you all,” I reply, bypassing where they stand and returning the well-used shoes to the counter.

“Great,” Chad boasts, tossing his own footwear on the counter and heading for the exit.

As we walk, I feel a warm hand graze against my own. I know who it is. Even if I were blind, I’d know his touch anywhere. I don’t pull away, just let his large hand wrap around mine in comfort.

When we reach my car, which is parked beside Big Bertha, I feel Ford tug on my hand. “You’re okay with us stopping by later, right?”

“Yes, absolutely.”

He gives me an easy smile, one I’ve seen on his handsome face many times over the last few days. “Good. We can discuss sleeping arrangements later,” he adds, opening my car door for me and stepping back.

“Presumptuous, aren’t we?”

Ford shrugs as Chad fires up his massive truck. “I don’t expect it, but I will state, for the record, I’ve slept better the last two nights, holding you in my arms, than I have in years. I’d gladly go back to your aunt’s and sleep there, but it wouldn’t be the same. Plus, I can hear Chad snoring from across the hall. It’s horrible.”

Smiling at the man who’s quickly chiseled through the stone wall surrounding my heart, I go up on my tiptoes, press my lips against his scruffy cheek, and whisper, “I’d like for you to join me. One last night.”

When I meet his eyes, I see the pain flash through them before he masks it with something else. “It’s a deal, beautiful. I’ll see you at Jet’s later.”

As soon as I slide into my seat and turn over my car, cranking up the air conditioning, he pushes my door shut and steps back. Ford doesn’t move as I back out of the parking space and head for the exit. It’s hard to focus on what’s in front of me when my eyes keep flying back to my rearview mirror.

To the man who doesn’t move until I’m completely out of sight.

To the one I feel myself falling for, even though it’s a bad idea.

Chapter 11


“Give me a few to clock out, and I’m all yours.” Shayne gives me a bright smile. The one that, no matter what I’m doing, has my heart flipping over in my chest.