When I leave here, it’s not going to be his friends that I met keeping me up at night. No, it’s going to be the beauty standing in front of me. The memories of my time with her, and besides, how can I ask her to take a chance to get to know me if I’m not putting in the effort as well?

“You don’t have to do that. I think I’m just going to go home and shower and chill.”

“Perfect. Do you mind waiting for me to shower before we go back to yours?”

Her head tilts to the side as she studies me. “Chad might be mad you ditched him.”

She said might because we both know he won’t care. In fact, I can see him being happy that I put her first. He’s protective of her and told me not to start something if I was going to just leave her. Well, the thought of leaving her causes an ache in my chest.

“We both know he’s not going to care. Come on, spend the evening with me?” I stick my lip out in a pout, making her laugh.

“You’re impossible.”

“Is that a yes?”

“That’s a yes.” Her smile is bright as she nods her head at me.

“One more thing.” I hold my hand out to her.

“What?” Her eyes flash to my hand and then back to me.

“I get to drive.”

“You don’t know where we’re going,” she counters.

“Trust me?”

“Fine, but if I tell you to turn, you have to turn. I’m not getting lost out here in the dark with you.”

“I’d protect you,” I say with a wink. I’m being silly, but there is truth to my words. I’d never let anything happen to her. Not if it was within my power. It’s not just because I’m a soldier, and it’s ingrained in me. No, it’s something that’s uniquely Shayne.

She drops the keys in my hand and points a finger at me. “I’m watching you.” She mock glares.

“Let’s do this,” I say, sliding behind the wheel. “Thanks for today.” Reaching over, I entwine my fingers with hers.

“I should be thanking you. You have limited time, and you spent the entire night and day with me.”

“I wish I could stay, but I miss my family. I also know my mom would be crushed if I didn’t come home to see her.”

“Are they home yet?”

“Nah, they’re getting home the same day I leave here.”

“I’m sure they miss you. I know we all miss Chad like crazy.”

“Yeah,” I say, not able to contain my smile when thinking about my family. “My sister went with them as well. She’s on summer break from her third year of college.”

“And you’re twins, right?”

“Yep. She’s my little sister, though. I made it out five minutes before she did.” Shayne giggles. Which is a new sound coming from her. “She hates it that I call her my little sister. Even if she would have been born first, I’d still call her that. She’s about a foot shorter than me.”

“Hey!” She turns to look at me, blue-green eyes narrowed. “I’m a foot shorter than you. Are you calling me little?”

“If the shoe fits,” I tease her.

“I changed my mind. I don’t want you and your negativity in my space.” She barely has the words out of her mouth before she’s biting down on her lip, trying not to laugh. “And what’s with the granny speed?” She points to the dash where we’re barely going ten miles per hour.

“I can’t keep my eyes on the road safely and watch you if I go any faster. Not without wrecking, and I have to keep you safe.”

“It’s the pedal on the right, and keep your eyes ahead,” she says it like she’s a driver’s ed instructor.

“No can do. It physically pains me to pull my eyes from you.”

She rolls her eyes, but her smile tells me she’s not as annoyed as she would like me to believe. “Do you sit around practicing these cheesy lines?”

“Hey.” I release her hand and pinch her side. She wiggles away from me, laughing freely. “I’m a gentleman.”

“Sweet talker,” she counters.

“Only for you.” I flash her an exaggerated grin.

“You know shit’s starting to get deep. You might want to be careful where you step.”

“Ha ha. Funny girl.” I grab her hand in mine. “I’m driving, woman. I need to concentrate.” She makes a show of zipping her lips and tossing the key over her shoulder. “Much better,” I tease. Then I do exactly what she told me to do. I push the pedal on the right. The sooner we put away this gear, and I get showered, the sooner we can get to her place. Where I plan to cuddle the hell out of her. In two days, I’m going to have to walk away from the first woman to ever make me want more than the life I’ve built for myself. That only deserves some cuddles. My hope is that my time with her will be enough. That the memory of her laughter and the feel of her in my arms will get me through until I can see her again. She might not know it yet, but I wasn’t kidding when I said I was wooing her. Even if I have to do it from thousands of miles away, I’ll make it happen. I’m determined to keep her in my life.