“Damn, Gregory. What’s got you all sentimental?”

I shrug, keeping my eyes on the night sky. “Missing home, but that isn’t what made me say that. That’s just me, man. I’d rather find someone I know I can lean on. Someone I know that, when I come back to this godforsaken desert, she’s still going to be waiting on me back home.” I’m a military brat. I’ve moved and lived all over, but the one constant in my life was the love between my parents and the love they had for me. Maybe it makes me a pansy, but that’s what I want.

I know finding that person is like finding a needle in a haystack, but I’m not giving up hope. Besides, it’s not like I can meet a woman and fall in love in a two-week time frame. That’s how long we’re on leave.

“I don’t know. Rosie is exhausted,” he says, holding up his hand.

“Fuck off.” I laugh. “I don’t need to know that shit.”

“Like you don’t.” He scoffs. “I know damn good and well that you beat the meat just like the rest of us.”

“I’m not denying it. But fuck me, I don’t need to hear about it.”

“No thanks, I’m good with Rosie. You’re not my type,” he fires back, barely containing his laughter.

“Ha ha.” I shake my head.

“For real though, two weeks stateside. You’re really not going to get yourself any?”

“I’ve never had a one-night stand.”

“What? You’re twenty-one years old, and single, and in the army. How in the hell is that possible?”

“Serious girlfriend in high school. We broke it off when I enlisted.”

“Sara, right?”

“Yeah.” Sara was my high school sweetheart. We dated for two years. She was pissed when I enlisted. That’s on her. From the moment we started dating, she knew joining the army was my plan. She had this silly idea that she could change my mind. I cared about Sara and loved her even, but she wasn’t my forever. She didn’t support me in my choices. She was irate that I didn’t discuss them with her. That’s the issue, though. I did discuss it with her. I talked about it all the time. She was just stuck in her head thinking that us being together for two years would change my mind.

“It’s been a while since she’s written.”


“I guess she’s no longer pissed?”

“Oh, the last letter she made it known that she was pissed. Apparently, I ruined her life or some crazy shit like that. I stole her youth.”

Chad barks out a laugh. “Are you shitting me? I didn’t get to read that one. How long ago was that?”

“Nah, I tossed into the fire as soon as I was finished. It’s been about a year since I’ve heard from her. She’s pissed I didn’t bow down to her and change my life plans. I know that makes me sound like a dick, but it is what it is.”

“That’s why relationships are a pain in the ass, and random hookups are where it’s at.”

“Not relationships, not if you find the right person.”

“How did I not know my ride or die is a closet romantic?”

“You never asked.”

“Right.” He snorts. “Because that’s a dude question.” He changes his voice to sound deeper. “Hey, bro, you into fucking random chicks, or are you a one-woman kind of guy?” he says, making me burst out in laughter. The sound fills the muggy night air around us.

“Fuck off.” My words have no heat, and we both know it.

“I’m just giving you shit. I’d be good with it. Someone to come home to.” There’s a wistfulness to his voice I’ve never heard. “Just don’t see how we’re going to meet anyone stuck in this hot hole.”

“If it’s meant to be, it will be.”

“Waxing poetic now, Gregory?”

“Just stating the facts. You don’t find love. Love finds you.”

“Really? Who the hell are you, and what have you done with my best friend?”

“I admit that was a little cheesy. It’s something my grandma used to say when I was growing up. My sister, Faith, used to claim she was in love with every new guy she would meet.”

“How is Faith?” he asks.

“She’s off-limits.”

“Testy testy,” he fires back. “I was just inquiring as to the well-being of my best bro’s little sis. Is that a crime?”

“Let’s see, Mr. One-Night Stands Are Where It’s At. What do you think?”

“I think it was very friendly of me.” I don’t have to see his face to know that he’s smirking.

“She’s good,” I finally answer. “She’s in her third year of college, working on her teaching degree.”

“Yeah, sexy teacher fits Faith for sure.”


“You’ve seen your sister, right? I mean, how is it possible that the two of you are twins? She’s smoking.”

“Change of plans. You’re not coming home with me. You’re going to have to stick it out in Kentucky and deal with your family being upset with you. I’m not letting you anywhere near my little sister.”