“Does that happen often?” he asks, slipping around me and reaching for the toothpaste.

I shrug. “Mostly in the summer when she’s not at school.”

While I leave Ford in my bathroom to brush his teeth, I return to my bedroom and rip off last night’s shirt and jeans. I hear the door close and the water turn on, so I move to my closet to grab a pair of cutoff shorts. I know the apartment is small and not very soundproof, but I feel like he deserves a little more privacy than me standing outside the door, listening to him gurgle mouthwash.

Throwing on the shorts, I grab my brush and rip it through the tangles. Once it’s somewhat tamed, I pull it into a ponytail and grab the ballcap I wear when I’m helping my aunt and uncle on the farm. It may not be pretty, but at least it’ll help hide my greasy bedhead. Just as I’m slipping my feet in a pair of flip-flops, the bathroom door opens, and Ford’s heavy footfalls echo through the room.

“Bathroom’s all yours if—”

I glance up and find him staring at me with an intensity that steals my breath. “What?” I ask, my hands going up to finger-comb my long ponytail. “I promise I’ll wash the makeup off before we go.”

He smiles and shakes his head. “No,” he insists, walking toward me. “This—” he starts, adjusting the hat on my head, “—looks adorable on you.”

“Oh,” I reply, blushing. “Give me a few minutes, and I’ll be ready.”

Slipping into the bathroom across the hall, I notice the toothbrush he used sitting on the side of the sink. Something warm and bubbly tickles my chest as I picture that very item having its own spot next to mine.

Stop it, silly girl. You’re getting way ahead of yourself.

I brush my own teeth and use a clean cloth to wipe the remnants of makeup off my face. I take a hard look in the mirror, trying to see what Ford sees. My hair is a weird shade of blonde. Not pretty, really. Plain. That’s how I’d describe it. It’s also a touch on the thin side, and when it’s down, it lies limply against my neck.

My eyes are probably my best feature, a shade of blue-green that reminds me of the ocean. I was once told I had beautiful eyes. Of course, that was before I found out what a lying, cheating sack of crap the compliment-giver was. My face is narrow, and my nose curls upward, but not in that “cute” way it’s described in fashion magazines and blogs. I think it gives people a gross view straight up my nose, but maybe that’s just me.

Sighing, I realize I don’t see what Ford does. At all. Unless he’s already heard all the rumors and is just hoping to get lucky while he’s on leave. Though, that thought doesn’t strike me as holding an ounce of truth. Admittedly, I’ve been bamboozled by a gorgeous guy before, so what do I know?

After quickly using the restroom and washing my hands, I head out to find my breakfast date. Locating Ford isn’t difficult, considering how small the apartment is. He’s waiting in the kitchen, his hands stuffed in the pockets of his blue jeans and boots on his feet. The shirt he wore last night is wrinkled, having slept in it, but he still looks positively edible.

“Ready?” he asks, rocking back on his heels.

“Yep.” I grab my small purse and keys and move to the door. I lock the deadbolt and make my way down the stairs, Ford making sure the apartment is secure before he descends after me. When we reach the base of the stairs, there are two doorways. One leads to the back of the bar, while the other to the back parking lot. That one we keep locked since it’s happened more than once that drunken patrons have stumbled up the stairs.

“So, am I going to follow you? There’s a little diner on the way that makes the best homemade French toast,” I suggest as we step outside.

“I have an idea. How about we grab breakfast, return the car to your aunt, and then hang out until you have to go to work? Or is that too much? I’d understand if you wanted to just be alone before work,” he says, a hopeful glint in his eyes as he awaits my response.

“You want to hang out more? What about Chad?”

He shrugs and steps closer. “Ehh, I just spent nine months with him in the desert. I think spending a few hours with you today will be okay. Besides, we’ve got that bonfire tonight. I’ll hang out with him then. Unless I can convince you to come for a bit. Then I’ll get to spend more time with you.”