All my love.


Chapter 28


Dear Ford,

Guess what?! I did it! I just opened a letter from the Kentucky School of Cosmetology, and I’m accepted into this fall’s class. I start in two weeks; can you believe it?!?!?!?!?!

This isn’t the best day of my life, since that is reserved for the day I met you, but it ranks up there pretty high. Finally, something for me, and I have you to thank. You’ve been the best boyfriend ever, even all the way down there in Kentucky.

So, Mom got a job at the grocery store in town. She’s working the register. The money isn’t great, but it’s a start. I’m super proud of her. I haven’t seen her yet to see how her first day went, but I’m sure I will soon. She insisted on walking, even though I offered her my car since hers is out of gas, so it’ll take her a little longer to get back here.

Next step is her getting her own place. This apartment is so small, we’re starting to get under each other’s skin. She’s been sleeping on the couch, but complaining it’s been bothering her back. The last few nights, when I’ve gotten home, she’s been in my bed. She was sleeping so peacefully, I didn’t want to disturb her, so I left her sleeping. The next morning, it was my back that was sore, so maybe it’s time to upgrade the ol’ couch to something a little more comfortable.

Oh… I know I’ll tell you this sooner than you’ll read it here, but I still want to make sure I include it in my letter. Jet gave me the weekend off in two weeks! Faith and I will meet near the base and wait for you! I can’t believe it! After what feels like FOREVER, I finally get to see you face-to-face. Less than two weeks, and you’re mine, Gregory. I hope you’re ready.

You won’t sleep much. HEHEHEHEHE

Anyway, I should go. Work calls, but fortunately, it’s a short shift. Jet’s training the new guy tonight, so I’m helping four to eight to get through the dinner rush.

Love and miss you!!

And more anxious to see you now more than ever!!


I glance at the clock. Again. Mom was supposed to be home after her shift ended at three, but I have yet to see her. It’s just after seven. Even if she was asked to stay after, it wouldn’t be this late. Not on her first day. I keep running through different scenarios, but I keep coming back to the same one.


Even though she’s been doing well, I don’t trust her. Not the way I should, and that thought is so heartbreaking.

Reaching for a glass, I feel a sharp pain in my lower abdomen. It hurts so hard and fast that I find myself doubled over, trying to catch my breath. The cramping steadily grows until I can barely move. All I can think about is getting up to my apartment, but I’m not sure I can actually make it there.

“Hey,” Jet says, bending over beside me. “What’s wrong?”

I suck in a deep breath and try to stand up. “I don’t know.”

When I’m upright, he gives me a once-over before his eyes widen in horror. “Shit, Shayne, you’re bleeding.”

“What?” I gasp, glancing down and taking in the blood running down my legs. “I need to go upstairs,” I whisper, pushing off his arm and heading for the back stairs. I need to get to some feminine products as soon as possible.

“No, I don’t think so,” he says, helping me walk out of the main bar. “You need to go to the hospital.”

I open my mouth to argue, but another cramp grips my body and squeezes, and that’s when I feel the rush of blood. It feels like I wet my pants, and suddenly, I know. This isn’t a period. This is worse.

Because I have no clue what to do in this situation, I just look at Jet and let the tears fall. “I can probably drive myself.”

He immediately starts shaking his head. “I don’t think so,” he states, grabbing a towel from the kitchen and guiding me to the back hallway. His eyes are full of understanding and compassion as he adds, “I don’t know much about female… stuff, but this isn’t just monthly problems, is it?”

I shake my head, my tears falling harder. “I don’t think so.”

Jet pulls me into a hug, something completely out of character for the older, gruff man. “What should I do?”

“I wish I knew. I guess I should go to the hospital, but I don’t want to call an ambulance.”

He nods in understanding. “Then who should I call? Your mom?”

I think about his question. My first thought is Ford, but what good would that do me? He’s hours away and working. He probably wouldn’t even be able to leave. Then there’s my mom. She should be home but isn’t, and if I’m being honest, she wasn’t even the second person I thought to call right now. “Cassie.” I grab my phone from my pocket, knowing she’s at her parents’ house.