“Who?” I ask, following everyone’s line of sight.


Beth sighs. “I hope she’s not here to stir up trouble.”

My eyes move to Ford, who seems tense all of a sudden. He watches as Sara pulls up to where we all stand and parks beside the rental. She’s slow to get out, but when she does, she’s just as put together today as she was yesterday. Long blonde hair with perfect beach-wave curls, flawlessly executed makeup, and clothing that looks like she spilled off the pages of Vogue magazine.

“Hi,” she says, coming around the front of her car and fidgeting a little when she realizes all eyes are on her. “I was hoping I could talk to Ford for a moment.”

He crosses his muscular arms over his broad chest. “I’m not so sure that’s a good idea. We’re getting ready to leave, and there isn’t anything left to say.”

Her eyes shift to me. “Actually, I think there is. Please, Ford. Just a minute.”

He sighs and meets my gaze. I can see the conflict and feel the uncertainty. He doesn’t want to, but he’s also a good enough guy to not completely ignore her or send her packing in front of his family. His shoulders fall and he takes a step forward. “Fine. One minute.”

I watch him walk toward her, nodding for her to follow him. He leads her about thirty yards away, over to his dad’s shop. I try not to stare, but it’s hard, especially since everyone else is watching too.

His demeanor is rigid, his features guarded as he stands and listens to whatever she’s saying. Sara’s an animated speaker, her hands constantly moving while she’s talking. Beth, Todd, and Faith move together and talk, though their gazes are never too far from Ford and Sara.

Chad comes over and stands beside me. “Wonder what that’s about.”

“No clue.” I swallow hard, hating the jealousy and rage I feel toward that woman. She made Ford’s life hell when he enlisted and was horrible to us yesterday.

“He mentioned before you guys left last night that you ran into her, and she was a total bitch.”

I mumble something that sounds like an agreement and return my gaze to where the man I love stands with his ex. After a few more minutes, I hear him chuckle, the sweet sound carried across the yard in the breeze, and while I love the sound of his laugh, the fact it’s aimed at that toxic witch doesn’t sit well with me.

Sara steps forward, goes up on her tiptoes, and kisses Ford on the cheek, and the only thing keeping me where I stand is the fact Ford doesn’t move a muscle. He stands there, his arms crossed over his chest, and not making it easy for his ex.

“Easy there, tiger. She’s leaving,” my cousin whispers.


He laughs. “You growled when she kissed him.”

“Oh. Well, I…,” I stammer, shoving my hands in my pockets and turning away from the scene by the shop. “I’m not a fan.”

Chad snorts. “I wouldn’t be either if she said the things to me she said to you. But you don’t have to worry about Ford, okay? He’s got it bad for you, Shay.”

I can’t help but smile. “I kinda got it bad for him too. We both said we loved each other last night.”

Chad grins from ear to ear. “Yeah? The L word?” he asks, pulling me into his arms. “I’m so happy for you.”

“Thanks,” I mumble against my cousin’s chest.

“Hands off my girl, Anthony.”

I smile at the familiar voice and the sternness behind his words.

“She’s my cousin, dude. Don’t be gross.”

Ford pries me from Chad’s hug—who hangs on a little longer just to piss off Ford—and takes my hand. “Ready?”

I nod, feeling lighter and more at ease now that he’s beside me. “Ready.”

We say final goodbyes to his parents before climbing into my car, as Chad and Faith get in the rental. They follow us as we pull out of the driveway and onto the road, a quick blast of the horn to punctuate our departure.

With our fingers entwined on my thigh, we set out for Hopkinsville, Kentucky.

To another goodbye.

“Go ahead and ask.”

“What?” I ask, sucking on the vanilla milkshake we grabbed along the way.

“Sara. I know you’re curious.”

I shift in my seat, slurping up my sugary drink with gusto. “It’s okay. If you want to tell me, I’ll listen, but if not, that’s okay too.”

After a few long seconds, he says, “She wanted to apologize.”

Okay, I wasn’t expecting that.


He seems just as surprised as I do. “Yeah. Not just to me, but to you too. She said she thought about what I said, and I was right. We weren’t meant for each other. I’m pretty sure she almost choked on the words, but she got them all out. She even wished me luck and told me to be careful out there.”