I can’t help but grin. “You want to spend another night in a hotel with me? What kinda girl do you think I am?”

He smiles widely and brings my hand to his lips. “My girl, that’s what kind you are. So what do you say? Want to drive to Fort Campbell with me? We can take your car so it’s there. It’s actually not too far from you. Only about two hours from base.”

“One more night with you in a hotel? I’m all yours until you have to leave in the morning,” I whisper, the words getting caught in my throat. God, that hurts to say.

His grin is sad as he links our fingers. “Thank you. I’d let you go back today, but I’ll admit, I’m selfish. I want every second I can get. But if you want to head back today, just say the words, Shayne.”

I’m already shaking my head. “No, I want to be here—or there—wherever. With you.”

He nods. “Okay, sounds good. Let’s finish eating, and then we’ll head back to my folks’ place. Mom is preparing lunch before we head out.”


And it is. I love spending time with his parents and sister. They welcomed me into their home without knowing me from Adam. They invited me to their dinner table and let me stay in their son’s bedroom. They are the kind of parents I had in my dreams. Attentive, supportive, and loving. Ones I’ve always longed to have for my own.

“Eat that,” he says, pointing to what’s left on my plate. With a wink, he adds, “You’re going to need all your strength later.”

“I’m going to miss you,” Beth whispers just loud enough I can hear.

“Gonna miss you too, Mom,” he replies, hugging her tightly against his chest.

When he sets her back down on the ground, she wipes tears from her cheeks before she places both palms against her son’s cheeks. “You be careful, you hear me, Ford Andrew?”

“I hear you, ma’am. I’ll be careful, I promise.”

She nods and gives him a kiss on his cheek before standing up straight and stepping aside. As she heads my way, Todd steps up to bid goodbye to his son. “You come by for a visit any time, you hear me?” she asks, reaching up and running a hand along the side of my head. I can picture her doing that often to Faith as a child. It’s a very motherly gesture.

I nod, fighting the emotions clogging my throat. “Thank you.”

“I see a lot of goodness in your eyes, Shayne. There’s a lot of light and love. I see it when you look at my son,” she states, a tender smile on her pretty face. “I also see a touch of hurt and pain when you think no one is looking.”

I open my mouth, but nothing comes out. How does she know? Did Ford tell her about my past?

She instantly starts shaking her head, as if she knows what I was thinking. “No one has said anything, sweetie. Your secrets are your own. Just know that they don’t define you. Embrace the hurt you’ve felt in the past and grow from it. It may be your roots, but only you get to decide how you blossom.”

Air seems lodged in my lungs, unable to move. It isn’t until she leans in and pulls me into a warm hug that I’m finally able to breathe again. Ford mentioned to me all the wisdom his mom has bestowed on him over the years, and I never understood the importance of receiving it until now.

This is what it’s like to have a real mother.

“Thank you for allowing me to stay here. I’ve had a wonderful time with your family,” I say.

Beth squeezes my hands. “You’re welcome anytime, Shayne. Please don’t be a stranger. In fact, I’d love for you to get my cell number from Ford before he returns to base and keep in touch. I promise to reply, but not overwhelm you with messages. Not like the kids these days do. I don’t know what TYVM or FML means,” she states.

“Mom, why are saying fuck my life?” Faith asks, caught between laughter and shock.

“What? That’s what that means?” Beth shakes her head in dismay. “What a horrible thing to say. Anyway, give me one final hug. It looks like the guys are almost ready.”

After a few long seconds, she releases me from the embrace. I turn to give Faith a hug as well, only to have her say, “I’m going to ride along with Chad, Mom. I’ll bring the rental back tomorrow morning and turn it in.”

Beth gives her daughter a knowing grin. “Call me when you get back to town, and I’ll pick you up.”

“’Kay,” Faith replies as the sound of a car pulling onto the gravel driveway grabs our attention. “What is she doing here?”