“See.” She tries to pull away. I drop my hands and crush her to my chest. My hug is fierce, and eventually, she gives in, relaxing into my hold. “I was thinking about how you’ve not had the best breaks in life. The mere thought of you being hurt or upset guts me.”

“You don’t even know me.”

“I know that.” I rest my chin on top of her head. “I feel like I do, though. I know it sounds crazy, even to me.” We stand in silence as I hold her. I would be content to stand here just like this the rest of the night. However, I promised her dinner at her favorite place, and I don’t want to be another let down in her life. So, reluctantly, I loosen my hold and peer down at her. “You ready for some Mexican?”

“You still want to go?”

“Do I still want to spend the evening with the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever laid eyes on? Yes.”

She smiles. “You don’t have to suck up to me. I already agreed to the date.”

“I’m not sucking up. I’m telling you the truth. I’ve been looking forward to tonight. No way are we not going.”

“Me too,” she agrees, a soft smile playing on her lips.

“Do you have what you need?”

She pulls out of my arms, and moves around the kitchen placing her flowers in water. She then grabs her purse, and opens it. “Phone, keys, wallet,” she says softly to herself. “Ready.” She looks up at me.

I offer her my hand, and she hesitates but places hers in mine. I lead her out of her apartment, stopping so she can ensure the door is locked before we descend the stairs.

“Have you lived here long?” I ask, making small talk.

“About two years.” She pauses. “It was all I could afford at the time, and I slept on an air mattress for over a year.” We reach Joan’s car, and I open the door for her. “Thank you,” she says, ducking into the car. I wait until she’s buckled in to close the door and rush to the other side. “It was the better alternative to where I was living.”

“Your mom?”

“More like egg donor,” she mumbles.

“I’m sorry. I can’t even imagine what that was like for you.”

She shrugs. “I got out. I worked as many shifts as I could at the grocery store. The minute I turned twenty-one, I knocked on Jet’s door, and he took a chance on me. I make more money per hour slinging drinks, and the tips are good. They’re almost double my income some nights.”

“That’s awesome.” I glance over to see her nod.

“I’m saving it. You never know what could happen. I never want to be dependent on someone else to take care of me ever again.”

There is conviction in her voice that not only tells me she’s determined, but she’s strong as hell. She could have let her upbringing pull her down. She could follow in her mother's footsteps, but she wants more out of life. I admire her for that. It couldn’t have been easy.

“Joan and Henry did what they could. Mom would clean her act up long enough for me to not get taken away. She needed the check that state sent her.”

“You’re lucky to have them.”

“Yeah. Chad and Cassie are more like my siblings. I spent a lot of time there growing up. Mom would disappear with her latest fling, and Aunt Joan would find out and have me stay with them. I’m sorry I’m dumping all of this on you. I’m sure this isn’t first-date material.”

“Honestly, you could be talking about the weather, and I’d gladly listen. I like the sound of your voice.” I glance over to find her watching me.

“You’re unlike anyone I’ve ever met.”

“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” I keep my eyes on the road, but I would love nothing more than to be able to watch her as she answers me.

“I’m not sure yet.”

“You let me know when you do,” I say as I pull into the parking lot of the Mexican restaurant. I turn to smile at her. “Ready?”

“Definitely.” She reaches for the handle and is out of the car before I can tell her to wait so that I can open the door for her. “I hope you’re not one of those guys who is grossed out when their dates actually eat.”

“Why’s that?” I ask, reaching around her to pull open the door.

“Because this is my favorite place. I don’t indulge in it much, and I intend to do that tonight.”

Her words have my cock swelling behind my zipper. She’s confident yet guarded, and I want to tear down those walls. “I’d be disappointed if you didn’t,” I say softly, my lips next to her ear. “Two, please,” I tell the hostess. With my hand on the small of her back, I follow them both to our table.