I try to fight the grin from spreading across my lips. I know this has bad idea written all over it with a Sharpie marker, but that doesn’t stop me from smiling. “Yeah? Cassie told you I like Mexican, right?” I ask, watching as a blush creeps up his neck, confirming her earlier comment about them talking about me.

He shrugs and takes a drink of his beer. “She might have mentioned it.”

“Did she also mention I don’t date?”

He sobers and leans forward even more, the warmth of his breath kissing my cheek as he whispers, “She did mention that, yes, but I thought maybe you’d take pity on me, since I’ve been overseas for the last nine months, fighting for our country.”

I bark out a laugh, ignoring everyone and everything around me. All I can see, all I can hear, is him. Everything else is just… nothing. “Pulling out all the big guns, I see.”

He shrugs and gives me a panty-melting smirk. “What can I say? I’m desperate to spend time with you.”

“Hey, Shayne, can I get a round of drinks?” someone yells, catching my attention.

I nod but keep my focus on sexy green eyes.

“Come on, Shayne. One date.”

This is where I should let him down gently, tell him I’m just not interested, but that would be a nose-grower, and to be honest, that lie isn’t very easy to get out. The truth is, I really want to go. I’m attracted to him, yes, but it’s more than that. He’s as easy to chat with as he is on the eyes. Plus, I just feel this giddy exhilaration every time I’m near him.

That’s why I end up answering with “One date.”

I’m rewarded with a delighted grin, one that causes my heart to do a happy little jig and warmth to pool between my legs.

“Ford, come on! You’re up!” Chad bellows from the doorway, catching my attention.

“I’ll let you get back to work,” Ford says, grabbing his beer from the bar. “I’ll be back later so we can plan our date.”

With a wink, he slides off the stool and heads over to where my cousin is standing and smirking. My eyes automatically drop to take in the way his ass fills out those dark jeans. Hard and mouthwatering, that’s the only way to describe his backside. I bet you could bounce quarters off that thing all night long.

When he stops, I glance up, straight into dancing green eyes. My heart hammers in my chest as embarrassment creeps up my neck. I was totally just busted ogling his ass.

Kill me now.

Ford winks and turns, disappearing into the other room.

“Jesus, girl. Get a grip,” I mumble to myself as I push off the bar and make my way down to fill orders.

I don’t know if I made the right decision accepting his invite or not, but I’m surprisingly very excited about Sunday. Even if it doesn’t go well with Ford, I know Cassie’s correct. It’s time to stop giving Rodney any more power over me. He might have fucked me over, but that doesn’t mean everyone will do the same, right?

I glance up and catch Ford walking around one of the tables, cue in hand. He gauges the table, takes his position, and lines up his shot, jeans stretched across his firm ass. My mouth goes dry once more as images I have no business thinking about parade through my mind like the opening scene of an adult movie.

Just as he pulls back to shoot, he glances over his shoulder, meeting my gaze. I can feel the electricity all the way through the room. It’s full of desire and promises of naughty things behind closed doors. I watch as he gently swings forward, his stick hitting the cue ball, sending it flying into the stripe across the table. He doesn’t even watch his shot. No, those green eyes are on me.

Chad steps over and slaps him on the shoulder, finally grabbing his attention. It’s then he turns, noticing he sunk the nine ball as easily as if he were actually watching his shot. He turns back my way and gives me a smile. It’s cocky, but do you know what?

I like it.

I’m in way over my head with this one.

Chapter 7


I’m nervous. I’m never nervous. I’m in the army. I fight the bad guys. I’ve been on three deployments in three years and have seen things that I never want to remember. However, as I pull Joan’s Toyota Camry into the back of the bar Shayne lives above, I feel like I’m going to be sick. Parking, I turn off the engine and wipe my sweaty palms on my jeans.

What is it about Shayne that has me reacting this way?

When she agreed to tonight's date on Friday, I wanted to lean over the bar and kiss her. I wanted every man, hell, every woman in that bar to know she was mine. But she’s not mine. Not really. Sure, she agreed to a date. One date, as she specifically stated. I’m leaving next week. In just a matter of days, I’ll be back in Ohio with my family, and she’ll be here.