The tight sky-blue dress makes me appear older than I actually am, but it hugs my body in a way I’ve never had a dress do before. Gwen did my makeup to make me appear less girl-next-door and more girl-next-door-with-too-much-mascara. Ugh.

Finally, I force my feet out of the bedroom before Gwen comes looking for me and our carefully crafted plan is ruined.

Focused on my objective, I ignore the blasting music and the bumps and knocks I receive walking through the crowded living room. The moment I spot Vaughn, leaning against the island in the kitchen, my heart thumps erratically at his signature laid-back confidence. He’s not alone, though. He’s talking to Amanda, a girl who also just graduated. She flips her glossy brown hair over her shoulder and releases a laugh so high pitched it could break glass.

It makes me want to vomit.

But I keep it together.

Vaughn’s blue eyes intensify and his mouth raises slightly in a slow smile. He likes her. It’s so obvious, and because I know him as well as I do, he’s getting ready to put the moves on her, which means I need to get this plan rolling immediately.

I walk into the kitchen on wobbly legs.

Vaughn glances over at me as I approach. His blue eyes roam over my dress, then quickly return to Amanda. Spencer rushes into the kitchen, shouting about a fight breaking out on the back patio.

Vaughn sprints after him.

“This is stupid,” I say to Gwen. “It will never work.”

Amanda leaves the kitchen like she’s annoyed to be near us. Which she most likely is.

“It’s going to work. As soon as Vaughn comes back in here looking for Amanda I’ll tell him she said she wants to meet him in Spencer’s room.”

“He’ll never buy it.”

Gwen places both hands on my shoulders, nudging me out of the kitchen. “Go to Spencer’s room, get ready for Vaughn.”

I laugh a little, not really knowing if I want to go through with this plan anymore but finally, I get moving.

I make my way to the stairs, taking a deep breath as I prepare my thoughts. Debating the validity of this plan the whole way.

I close Spencer’s door behind me, and before long there’s a knock.

“Amanda,” Vaughn says as he steps into the room, and his eyes widen when he spots me standing near the bed. “What are you doing in here, Pea?”

Vaughn has called me Pea for years. Everyone thinks it’s a play on my name, like he’s just saying the first letter, but I know he calls me that for my love of all things peas. They really are the most underrated vegetable.

“I have something for you.”

He cocks his head. “What?” he asks, with hesitancy.

“Do you like my dress?” I smooth my hand down the sides of the material, changing the subject.

“Umm...” He runs a hand through his hair, making it stand up even more.

“I got it today. It was on sale.” Shut up. I should be trying to seduce him, not standing here talking about my shopping spree and the sales.

“Why are you here, Pea?”

I step forward, wanting to get the first kiss of my life. Oh, how I’ve thought about this for so long. How I’ll plant my lips on his and the stars will align. Trumpets will… do whatever it is that trumpets do. I’m getting off track.

“I wanted to ask you for a favor before you go away to college.”

“Ah, yeah? Ok.” His eyes connect with mine and I can’t turn away.

“I want you to be my first kiss.”

Vaughn backs away, shaking his head. “No way. Not happening.” He blows out a deep breath.

I twist my hands together. “Please. Once I graduate and go off to college I’m sure I’ll have kisses from lots of boys, but I want you to be my first. Someone experienced who can show me the right way to kiss.”

His hands are squeezed tight into fists at his sides. “No.”

“Please, Vaughn.”

“You shouldn’t want to kiss me, Pea.”

I step closer, my voice dropping an octave or two. “I don’t want to kiss anyone else.”

“Paisley, I’m not going to kiss you.”

“That’s fine. I was planning to kiss you.” I step closer.

“I’m not doing this. No way. Your brother would kill me, and your dad.”

I step even closer and he backs away. “They’ll never find out.”

He shovels a hand through his dark hair. “This is the best I can give you, Pea,” he says in a low voice. “Trust me, I’m not the one for you.” He lowers his head and brushes his lips against my cheek, sizzling the skin.

In a flash, he steps away.

“What are you doing in here, Paisley?” Spencer asks, barging through the door.

Vaughn laughs, moving away at record speed. “She’s being the annoying little sister I never wanted to have.”

At that moment, Amanda decides to join us.