Page 12 of Owning His Virgin

“She was made for you, Sir.” she says before she squeezes my come from me and shouts out her own release. Fuck. She made me come too soon. Fucking wet ass pussy.

“Bad girl.” I spank her pussy before pulling out and rolling over.

“Mmm. Good morning babe.” she says, kissing my chest and snuggling into me.

“Good morning my love.” Her stomach chooses that moment to growl, and I laugh kissing her head. “Hungry baby?”

“Seems so.”

“Well let’s go.” I throw her my shirt from yesterday and she slides it on. In the kitchen, she cooks most of the breakfast besides the pancakes. She wanted my famous French toast pancakes and I refuse to give her the recipe so there is something she lets me do in the kitchen.

We spend the time eating and talking. Laughing and making guesses about the sex of the babies. She thinks it's one of each. I said hell no to a daughter. I don’t need a mini her walking around. I watch as she bends overloading the dishwasher, and my dick points right at her pussy. I stroke my boy, agreeing with him. That pussy looks inviting. “Come here,” I tell her standing by the counter. She straightens up and turns. I drop my pants and grab my dick.

“Can I help you?” she says, cheeky brat.

“Yes. On your knees and choke on it.” Her nipples bead and I know she has to be dripping. She stops directly in front of me and the doorbell rings. Fucking shit.

“Don’t fucking move,” I tell her before walking to the door ready to commit murder. “Who is it?” I yell at the door not waiting for an answer and instantly regret it. “Axe. My little brother.” I motion for him to come in.

“Diezal. You have been unusually quiet since we got back. I was concerned.”

“I am the older brother. I can take care of myself.” I try to say it with humor, but I feel irritated.

“I have never doubted that, but you haven’t been yourself. First you compromise a mission we have been planning, and then you go radio silent at a time when we need to be more vocal. I mean what do you really know about this girl?” I cross my arms to stop myself from punching him. “Seriously, D. I ran her name. There isn’t a Hannah Greene anywhere that fits her description. What if she was there as a plant to lead the Cartel back to us?” He is seriously walking on thin ice. Shit. Him running her name could lead the cartel to us.

“Is everything ok?” she asks, her voice meek and small as she walks into the room. He turns like he is going to say something to her, but her state of undress pisses me off.

“Turn the fuck around. Don’t look at her,” I yell at him before blocking his view. “Mouse, everything is fine. Go put some clothes on,” I tell her before turning back to him.

“Yes, Sir.” He gives me a look before it leaves his face.

“For the last fucking time, little bro. Mind your business. When I need you, I will let you know.” Opening the door, I motion for him to leave. When I turn, she is standing next to the wall, tears in her eyes. “Hey. None of that,” I say, wiping her face.

“I feel like I am coming in between you and your brother. Like I am messing up your life.”

“You are not, baby.” I put my hand on her belly. “You three are my life. Don’t you worry about it.”

“Then why don’t you just tell him. He is your brother,” she says sniffling. So, fucking cute. ‘

“The less people know right now the better. Trust me, ok?” she nods her head. “Hey, why don’t we go out for dinner tonight. You can get all dressed up. How does that sound?”


The rest of the afternoon is spent lounging around watching movies that make her cry which freaks me the fuck out. Nighttime comes and when she walks out the bathroom in this tight blue dress with a gold collar around her neck and her baby bump more pronounced, I almost blow a load and my top at the same time. She looks absolutely stunning. “Wow. You look gorgeous, baby.” I tell her kissing her red painted mouth before escorting her to the door.

“You look handsome as usual.”

“Thank you, baby. Shall we?”

“Yes, please.”

We make it to UTGARD and are finally seated when I see Brand and his woman, Jaymes, walk in. He beelines for our table.

“Good evening,” he says to Teresa before turning to me. “I hear congratulations are in order,” he says with a bit more vinegar than I expected. I know Teresa picked up on it because her back stiffens.

“Thank you, Brand. How is Om?” I ask hoping he can read how much I regret his brother was hurt.