I came on his shaft, throwing my head back. He came a moment later, filling me with his heat, and I groaned and begged for him to keep going, I wanted it deep between my legs, I was stupid and mindless, and falling into a hole of more bliss, until slowly we crawled back out together and he wrapped his arms around me.

I nuzzled against his chest. Pleased, contained.

“Good girl.” He kissed my forehead. “Do you know how much I love to be inside of you?”

“About as much as I like it, I bet.”

“Oh, little doll, even more.” He breathed deep, smelling me. “You can leave when this is all over, I won’t stop you, but I think you won’t want to go. Life outside will be dull and worthless. You already make my days brighter.”

“Pretty words for such a monster.”

“Even monsters can say the right thing sometimes.” He chewed on my lip.

There was a knock at the door.

He sighed, like a bear releasing a pent-up breath.

“What?” he called.

“It’s me. We need to talk.” Erick’s voice outside the door.

He must’ve waited until we were done. I felt myself blush.

Roman kissed me and got out of bed. He dressed as I crawled under the sheets and covered myself completely. I heard the door open and a soft conversation. Then he left and the door shut behind him.

He wanted to keep me.


Except I wondered: how long could he possibly want me, really?

Sooner or later he’d get bored.

And then what would I be?

Attached to a man that didn’t care.

I never asked for any of this. And now it felt like I had no other choice but to follow him down this path and pray.



There was a soft knock at my bedroom door.

Well, I guess it’s Roman’s.

Since when did I start thinking about this place as my own?

“It’s open.”

Roza poked her head in. “Roman needs you up top.”

“Up top?” I frowned a little. “I thought topside was just for show.”

“For show and for guests.” She looked uncomfortable, which wasn’t like her. “Someone’s waiting for you.”

“Roza. That’s ominous.” I stood up and walked toward her. “Who’s waiting for me up there?”

“Your dad.”

My jaw clenched down, and I stopped moving.

What the hell was my father doing here?

He was the last person I wanted to see right now. Things were complicated and I didn’t need my dad coming here and making everything worse.

“I didn’t know people like him were allowed to come here. I thought this was all top secret.”

“He was blindfolded. We have a protocol.” She shifted her weight and gestured toward the hallway. “I know this sucks and you don’t want to see him. I get it, family stuff’s complex and weird and icky. But I have to insist you come with me. Roman’s orders.”

I scowled. “You really do have to follow his every command, don’t you?”

That seemed to hit a nerve. Roza’s face went blank like it had when she pressed me into signing the prenup and the marriage certificate.

“Don’t pretend like you know me or what I’ve been through. Roman saved my life, and I owe him everything. Now if you’re not coming with me, I’ll call Erick down here and he’ll carry you up, kicking and screaming.”

“That won’t be necessary.”

“Good. Come on.”

I followed her, afraid she was going to bite my head off, but as soon as I stepped into the hall her face snapped back into her normal friendly smile. It was almost disconcerting, but I guessed it was a defense mechanism.

Working in a place like this must do something to a person—harden them, make them build defensive walls.

I wondered if that would happen to me one day.

Roza was strange. I studied her as we walked—she was poised, confident, chin tilted up, full lips pressed together. She clearly felt like she owed Roman some kind of debt—but I didn’t know what he’d done to deserve that level of loyalty.

Saved her life, apparently.

We rode the elevator up in silence. Back in the upper house, she walked through the modern halls and paused outside a pair of French doors covered by cream curtains.

“They’re inside. Roman knows you’re coming, but your father doesn’t.”

“Thanks for the warning.” I reached out impulsively and hugged Roza.

She seemed surprised, but hugged me back. “Are you feeling guilty for what you said down there?”

“A little bit. I guess I also could use a little human contact before I face my dad again.”

She laughed and stroked my hair. I felt so stupid and weak but it was better to be stupid and weak with Roza than in front of my father.

“Don’t worry. I’m not mad. It’s just, Roman pulled me out of a dangerous situation and I owe him everything, so I get a little defensive.”

“I know. It’s scary. You turn into a she-wolf.”

“I’m a scary bitch.” She pushed me back and held my shoulders. “And you are too. Now go in there and put on your best Fuck You face, and don’t let him get under your skin. Understood?”