And to offer me anything.

All of that meant he needed me more than I needed him.

It would be so easy to stay hidden away and let things happen without me. I didn’t think he’d hurt me, but maybe that was naive.

He was a monster, after all.

Willing to force me into a marriage, then to get me off like it was no big deal.

Violent, brutal thug.

He pretended like he was cold and unfeeling.

But I felt it when he kissed me. Tasted it when he slid it tongue into my mouth.

He was all fire and passion and need.

Just like me.

I opened the door and looked out into the hallway. On the floor was a pile of fresh towels with a single iPhone resting on top with a note folding on top of it. My name was scrawled in a tight handwriting.

Cassie— Remember what we discussed. Make smart choices. Thinking of you. Passcode is 0011. Love, Roman.


I had a feeling that word meant less than nothing to him.

I slammed the door shut and curled up in bed. The phone booted up and connected to a WiFi network. I unlocked it with the passcode and stared at the home screen.

There were only six apps: phone, text, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and Netflix.

Nothing else.

I tried to open the preferences, but it gave me an error message.

He wasn’t kidding when he said they’d watch everything I did. I was sure the room was bugged and the phone was probably recording every move I made.

But god, at least I had it.

Immediately I called Winter. Her number was already programmed into the address book—another creepy but impressive detail. It rang and rang and I was so afraid ti would go to voicemail until she picked up.

“If you’re a robot about to tell me that my social security number’s been canceled you can go ahead and suck my fat—“

“Winter, it’s me.”

A short pause. “Cassie?”

“Hey. Missed me?”

“Holy dick eating SHIT!” She practically screamed into the phone. I had to hold it away from my ear or else risk going deaf. “I’ve been freaking OUT about you girl! Where the hell have you been? This guy came to my house and said you were safe but he wouldn’t tell me where you were only that you’d contact me when it was safe and I’ve been so freaking terrified and on the verge of calling the FBI and like the freaking nuclear response team and—“

“Slow down, slow down,” I said as she took a deep breath. “What the hell is a nuclear response team?”

“I don’t know. The people that shoot the nukes. Whatever, you know what I mean.”

“I don’t think anyone knows what you mean.”

“Quit joking are you. Seriously, are you okay?”

“I’m okay,” I said softly. “It’s been a crazy couple of days. Or maybe few days. I kind of lost count.”

“You’ve been gone three days.” She let out a massive sigh. “I feel like I’m able to breathe for the first time since you disappeared.”

“You said someone visited you? Who was that?”

“I don’t know, some tall delicious guy with dark eyes and dark hair and the jawline of a demigod. Bit of a beard too. You know I love a good beard.”

“That’s Erick, Roman’s bodyguard.”

“He can guard my body all night long.”


“He said you were being protected. What happened?”

I hesitated, looked up at the ceiling. “I’m not sure how much I can say.”

“Say the words ‘pineapple pizza’ if they’re listening to you.”

“I’m pretty sure they can hear this call.”

“Holy shit. Should I call someone?”

“No, absolutely not. I’m serious, I know this is weird.” I got out of bed and started pacing. “Look, here’s the basics. You remember the girl that got killed? And how some guy helped me out and let me stay with him? Well I’m with that guy again now. I’m safe, but the people that killed the girl are after me. I don’t think I can tell you more.”

“Fuck.” Her voice was hushed, like she wanted to hide from Roman’s men. “You’re in some deep stuff now, huh.”

“You’re taking this better than I expected.”

“Oh no, I’m freaking out, but I’m hiding it really well.”

“I appreciate that. Seriously Winter, I’m fine. Roman let me have a phone so we can talk now.”

“He let you, huh? Roman sounds like an asshole.”

“It’s complicated.”

“So he’s not an asshole?”

“He’s definitely something. Asshole probably doesn’t do it justice.”

“Sounds like you like him.”

I stopped pacing. “Absolutely not.”

“I bet you’re at least a six right now. Which means you’re lying.”

I clenched my jaw. She was right. Even through the phone she could see past my bullshit. “It’s not that simple, okay? Like and dislike are very much intertwined right now.”

“That’s incredibly fucking hot.”

“You’re insane. Seriously, when we don’t talk for a little while I forget how certifiable you are.”

“I’m just taking you at your word. If you say you’re safe, then I’m going to trust you. And if you’re not safe, I assume you’ll find a way to tell me.”