Page 67 of HATE LOVE

The night before my sleep had been fitful. My blackout curtains, the three oscillating fans, and even a Benadryl couldn’t give me a decent night sleep. All I could think about was Mia. Worse case scenarios kept playing in my mind.

What if she refused to take me back? What if she had already fallen out of love with me?

> She’d left a tank top that she wore to sleep. Hugging it close to my chest and breathing in her floral scent, my heart thudded like a heavy brick.

What would I do without her in my life?

I’d finally discovered what love was and how splendid it felt to love and be loved. It was all gone because of Penny and her psychotic rage. My hope was that once I saw Mia face to face I’d be able to explain everything.

The negative thought that she would refuse to talk to me lingered in my throat nearly bringing tears to my eyes. I missed her so much, but I fought back the urge to wail. My mission was to fight for her. I’d plant myself outside her mother’s house until I was dragged away or vultures swooped down to eat my pitiful carcass.

The next morning, the flight down to Carpinteria was just as agonizing as the night before, if not more, since my eyes were heavy with fatigue and my nerves were shot. I felt like a walking zombie. All I could think about was seeing Mia’s beautiful face again.

Once in her hometown, I rented a car and headed straight to her mom’s. Carpinteria was charming in a small town way without being too folksy or outdated. As I drove through the main part of town, I imagined the biggest vat of guacamole set up there. Mia had told me in animated detail about the Avocado Festival. I was actually looking forward to going to the festival and taking part in one of Mia’s traditions.

I pulled up to Mia’s mom’s house, my nerves tingling with anxiety. The blue cottage style house was cute with flower boxes in the windows and a matching blue mailbox that had colorful painted birds all over it. It looked like the kind of home Mia would have grown up in: fun, charming, and provincial.

As I released a breath, I knocked on the door. Mia’s mother answered. “Can I help you?” she asked with a worried brow. The resemblance between Mia and her mother was uncanny. They had the same eyes and cheekbones.

“Yes, Ms. Smith, I’m here to see your daughter, Mia,” I begged desperately.

Her face grimaced in recognition. “You’re Theo?” she inquired.

“Yes, ma’am. I’m Theo.” My voice was conciliatory and on the brink of cracking.

Mia’s mom shook her head dismissively. “I’m sorry. She doesn’t want to see you.”

As she tried to slam the door in my face, I put my hand up blocking her. Ms. Smith pulled the door open and accused, “Excuse me? Are you challenging me, son?”

I pleaded with her, “No, I’m not. I just want to talk to your daughter please. Just a few minutes.”

Mia’s mom’s eyes narrow into thin infuriated slits. I’d really pissed her off by trying to hold the door open, but it needed to be done. How else was I going to see Mia?

“Mom, what’s going on out here?” Mia said as she walked up behind her mother.

Seeing her face, my anxiety was briefly lifted. I loved her so much. Just seeing her again helped my heartache even if she was not happy to see me.

“What are you doing here, Theo?” she snapped. Putting a calming hand on her mother’s shoulders, she assured her, “I’m going to get rid of him, Mom. Go back inside.”

Mia’s mom walked away, shooting daggers at me.

I stuttered. “I…I…needed to see you.”

Mia crossed her arms with hate in her eyes. “We have nothing to say to each other.

Holding my hands up in surrender, I said, “Please let me explain.”

Mia backed away to shut the door, but I pressed on, “Penny made it up. She ruined everything. She ruined us.”

At those words, Mia stopped and stood in the doorway listening to me.

I took a deep breath. “She took a video of me with someone else taken a long time ago and doctored it.”

Mia crossed her arms defiantly. “Doctored it?” Her face told me that she thought the story was too absurd to believe.

“It’s true! She paid someone to put her face on that other woman’s head.” I paused thinking about all the women I’d slept with. That wasn’t me anymore. All I wanted was Mia. “There are hundreds of sex tapes out there of me. Obviously, you know that, but that’s not something I ever want to do again. You’re all that I need.”

Mia nodded her head slowly. “Right. What about the Board minutes?”