Page 97 of The Sheik's Son

“He’s an upstart. I don’t like strangers meddling in my affairs. To have that inspector come to my home and accuse my servants, my family, is a disgrace and an injustice. The man should be out seeking the true culprit. He needed to be reminded of his duty.”

Sebastian was quiet. “I agree. Your home, your family must be protected.” It was the very reason he had married Jean Pierre’s daughter.

Sebastian wondered if maybe now the inspector would finally leave Sophie alone and the marriage could be annulled sooner than they had both anticipated. An annulment. It left an ache in him. He didn’t want it annulled. He wanted Sophie as his wife.


As Sebastian entered the foyer of their home, he relayed the conversation he had with her father.

“Really?” she said, surprised.

“Yes. Your father was quite angry at the invasion of his family’s privacy. He has spoken to the commissioner who oversees the inspector.”

Sophie felt a wave of relief flood through her. “He will stop his investigation?”


“Do you think he will?”

He looked into her warm, hazel eyes and couldn’t lie. “I don’t know, Sophie. A man like that could easily investigate certain things while hiding it from others.”

“Yes. I suppose he could. I was thinking if he does stop, the annulment could happen sooner than we originally thought.”

“Are you so anxious for it?” he asked.

“No. I hadn’t given it much thought. My life hasn’t changed at all since we married, except where I sleep.” She motioned to the house around her.

Yes, he thought. Not much had changed for her. She remained innocent and vulnerable. He, on the other hand, burned for her.

“Would you like a brandy?” he asked.

“No. I’m going to retire for the evening. Good night.”

“Sleep well, Sophie,” Sebastian said softly.

Chapter 22

Sophie fluffed her hair out behind her head and moved to sleep on her right side, then on her left side. She couldn’t sleep and the full moon outside didn’t help. It seemed to be shining like a beacon in her room.

She remembered Sebastian’s offer of a brandy and knew it would help her sleep. Dressed in a long, white shift, she went downstairs quietly and opened the door to the library. It was empty. She poured herself a brandy and took a large sip of it. The cognac warmed her.

She had not thought to bring a shawl or wrapper. She must remember that she was no longer in her father’s home. She must cover herself and be discreet. It was easy to think she still lived with her family when in fact she shared the house with a man—her husband, but in name only.

A movement caught the corner of her eye and she saw Sebastian asleep on the long coffee-colored couch. An empty glass was beside him on the floor. Sophie approached him cautiously and bent down before him at eye level. He was asleep. She placed her own glass down and softly brushed his hair back from his forehead. He looked almost innocent in sleep.

She knew he was handsome and that he was admired for his masculine beauty. But he was also a man who kept his word and was honorable. That was not something you could create. A man either had those qualities or did not. Her fingers felt along his cheekbone and then traced below his bottom lip. She swallowed and placed her hand down on the sofa.

Instantly he grabbed her wrist. “What are you doing here?” he whispered.

Sophie was startled. “N-nothing. Looking at you.”

“That’s why you are here?”

“No. I couldn’t sleep. I took some brandy.”

“Yes?” He eyed her with interest.

“Yes. Doesn’t it help you sleep?”