Page 94 of The Sheik's Son

“No, Your Grace. I don’t think so.”

“Ah. Well, I’m sure you’ll remedy that shortly. Lovely thing like that needs a babe in the belly,” Dorset commented.

Sebastian watched Sophie speaking to her friends nearby and thought of all the delicious ways he could try and get her with child. He could spend days or weeks thinking of new ways and places to plant his seed within her.

“You’re a lucky man, Fairfax. Lucky indeed.”

Sebastian groaned inwardly but thanked the duke as he moved to join another group.

He turned to see Juliette with an older man that he knew moved in similar circles. Juliette came towards Sebastian as the man stepped away.

“Sebastian.” She eyed the width of his shoulders and his thighs and marveled at his masculine beauty.

“Juliette.” Sebastian smiled.

“Are you here alone?” she asked.

Sebastian watched her face. “No. My wife and I

came to enjoy the play.”

“Your wife. That’s right, you are newly married. May I offer my congratulations to you both,” she said graciously.

It was at this moment that Sophie joined them and Sebastian formally introduced them to each other, as their previous meeting—at a concert —had only been in passing. “Sophie. Let me introduce you to a family friend. This is Juliette Cloutier. Juliette, my wife Sophie Fairfax.”

Both women smiled at each other and Sophie knew that she was staring at Sebastian’s mistress. She was lovely and a little older than him, with a pretty face and lush figure.

Juliette had known that Sebastian’s wife would be a beauty, and she was. But she also sensed an intelligence underneath the pretty package.

“Are you enjoying the play, Madame Fairfax?” Juliette asked politely.

“Yes, I am. I enjoy theater and music immensely. And you?”

“Yes. I too enjoy music and theater.” Juliette was beckoned by her male companion and she bid the couple a pleasant evening before leaving them.

“Your mistress is very lovely,” Sophie replied before biting her tongue. She sounded like a jealous schoolgirl.

“Sophie—” he began.

“No, Sebastian, I apologize. That was impolite. I have no hold on you. I must keep reminding myself that we are for convenience, nothing more,” she said quietly.

Sebastian wanted to say more but said nothing. They must both keep reminding themselves of the true reason for the marriage. But he wanted Sophie to feel something when she spoke to Juliette, even if it was jealousy. He wanted Sophie to fulfill her duties as a wife should. He wanted Sophie as his true wife.


Though they both enjoyed the play, Sebastian spent much of the time watching Sophie as she watched the performance. Her face was as expressive as a child’s and he watched the emotions flit across it. She turned several times to him to exclaim and laugh at something and he smiled back at her.

He held her hand often throughout the play and touched the back of her neck for the benefit of those in the audience. He leaned and whispered something silly in her ear to make her laugh and considerately replaced a curl behind her ear.

On the surface, it was all for the benefit of searching eyes and gossiping tongues watching them but he felt himself being pulled into a domestic world that he wanted to enjoy with her. Would she ever dare even consider returning with him to Arabia to fulfill his duties as the next sheik? Would that be possible? God willing, it would not be for many more years, but it would happen nonetheless. He would never forsake his father and his duty. Would she ever consider making the journey with him and making a life there?


Inspector Vennard had easily found the home of Sebastian Fairfax and watched as Sophie Gauvreau, nee Fairfax, moved into the home with her new husband. Nothing of interest had occurred since that day. She lived in his home and both went about their business. He noticed at night when candles were required that two separate rooms appeared lit from outside. Though separate bedrooms were not uncommon in the upper classes, he thought it odd that a newlywed couple did not share the same bedroom.

If a virile young man had recently married a beautiful young woman, he would at least share her bed for several months before getting her with child and retiring to his own chambers.

But that the newly married couple were already sleeping in separate rooms was a thought that he turned over in his mind.