Page 76 of The Sheik's Son

He and Leila greeted their hosts and thanked them for the invite. Upon entering the home they found several footman carrying silver trays of champagne. In the smaller salon, tables were filled with platters of meat, cheese, fruit and bread, from which guests could help themselves.

The ballroom situated at the back of the house had been prepared for the evening with an orchestra and a floor polished to a high shine. Mozart’s Symphony No. 31 in D Major began as guests continued to pour in.

Etienne arrived not long after Sebastian and he greeted Sophie warmly. Eugenie smiled at the young man and Jean Pierre thanked him for coming. Madame Necker and her husband arrived but apologized that Germaine could not attend as she was ill.

Eugenie embraced Luc and his grandmother, her dear friend, while Inspector Vennard came into the foyer alone.

Jean Pierre nodded at the inspector who was dressed as a somber colonial in severe black and white. The inspector immediately watched as the guests entered the Gauvreau home and made a mental note of anyone he recognized.

The ballroom had gorgeous French doors that led out onto a modest garden which had a small winding path with several fruit trees, lavender bushes and roses in abundance. Eugenie had placed lanterns in strategic places so that those wishing to enjoy the garden and its fresh air could do so. The majority of the guests had already arrived as Sophie helped herself to a glass of champagne.

“I must speak with you,” Sebastian said quietly as he joined her at the edge of the ballroom.

“About? I thought we had discussed everything already.” Sophie smiled to him as a couple passed by.

“I have made—” he was about to tell her what his investigation had uncovered when a Baroque piece by Handel began. Couples began to line up for the L'Allemande dance and he extended his hand to her.

She accepted and they joined the others on the ballroom floor. The dance began and he whispered, “I have found out some things about the inspector.”

When they were forced to pull apart as the dance required, she thought on his words. There was no use keeping the truth from him.

When they came together again she whispered, “He has been to the house, Bash. He suspects Marie.”

The dance forced them apart again but not before Sebastian cursed under his breath. It was as he thought. Marie had led the inspector to the Gauvreau home. It was only a matter of time. He felt his heart beat faster. He watched Sophie move gracefully and his heart raced. She was in danger. Everything he knew about the inspector, which was almost nothing, told him the man was dangerous. The man would not be stopped until he knew the truth.

When the music ended he looked for Sophie’s father but did not see him. He r

ealized there was a hush that had descended upon the room and it seemed to come from the foyer. He saw Etienne near the far corner of the room speaking with Eugenie, but Leila was nowhere to be seen.

The orchestra struck up again and this time it was The Four Seasons by Vivaldi, which Sebastian enjoyed. But the music belied a sense of hope and grandeur which he didn’t feel at all. He glanced around the room for Sophie but instead saw his sister Leila. She had a strange look on her face and she seemed pale. Was something wrong? He was about to go to her when the crush of people to his right seemed to part.

Suddenly there was a foreign-looking man with dark hair and tanned skin dressed in a brown waistcoat and breeches leading a lovely blonde woman in a cool blue silk gown into the room. He blinked once and thought the scene was a mirage. What on earth?

He could do nothing but watch them come closer and wonder with a sickening fear what had brought them halfway across the world. They reached him in a few seconds.

Sebastian tried to smile as he said, “Mother, Father. Welcome to Paris.”

Chapter 18

As everyone continued to enjoy the ball, Sebastian was inside the Gauvreaus’ small library with his father, Mohammed, who paced up and down like a wild jaguar, and his calm mother, Katharine.

They didn’t seem angry but he had no idea why they were in Paris or at Sophie’s ball. He had written to them once since Leila’s arrival and after that not again. There wasn’t much to tell. Leila was in Paris. Not exactly letter-worthy.

“We expected so much, Sebastian,” his mother began.

Sebastian looked over at his mother seated on the small sofa. She was still so beautiful with her blonde hair pulled back and her luminous blue eyes like the sea. It wasn’t hard to imagine why his father had given up so much to possess her.

“Expected what, Mother?” Sebastian asked, still so confused.

Mohammed sighed and looked over at his wife. “I knew it was a bad idea.”

“We don’t know anything yet,” Katharine cautioned her husband.

“We know enough,” he threw back.

“Mohammed,” she said to calm him.

“Yes?” both men answered.