Page 62 of The Sheik's Son

“I know that. You have been generous and considerate.”

“I’m quite certain that you will not have a shortage of suitors. I’m sure they will flock to you.”

Sophie smiled. “Flock?” She laughed. “You should have come with us to the chateau. Madame Necker surrounds herself with so many interesting people.”

“Yes, I’m sure they were. That Madame Necker includes you in her circle says much about you, my dear.”

“She is fascinating. I enjoy our conversations.”

Jean Pierre closed his book and stood. “I’m off to bed. Good night.” He kissed Sophie’s forehead lightly.

“Good night.”


Eugenie wasted no time in trying to match her granddaughter with prospective suitors. Sophie was delighted at first and then became exhausted. The rounds of eligible men in Paris were not lacking, but many of them did seem to be more dandified than she would have liked.

Sophie asked her grandmother to look for men a little older than her and she complied. Eugenie also wanted to have a private ball in her honor, and Sophie was delighted. She looked fo

rward to making the arrangements with her grandmother.

In the meantime she continued to attend concerts with her grandmother, father and Lizette. At one concert she had been enjoying herself and went outside at the intermission. Her heart thudded inside her chest when she saw Sebastian and his sister at the concert. But when the dark-haired beauty turned, Sophie saw it was not Leila. It was an older woman in a maroon colored gown with a beauty mark on her cheek and powdered hair.

Lizette saw Sophie look in the direction and she quizzed her.

“An acquaintance,” she murmured.

“He’s very handsome.”

“He’s secretary to the Duke of Dorset.”

“Ah, the duke. Your conquest.”

“Hardly, Lizette.” She smiled, but the smile was forced.

Sebastian came towards them and Sophie groaned inwardly. She didn’t want to see him. Not tonight. But she would not be rude either.

“How are you, mademoiselle?”

“Very well, thank you. My friend, Lizette. Lizette Robidoux, Sebastian Fairfax.”

“Monsieur.” Lizette pinkened as Sebastian kissed the back of her hand.

He introduced his guest as Juliette and the woman nodded coolly to both ladies.

“Have you missed the chateau? Those long walks along the river?” Sebastian asked politely.

“Yes. The pleasure of those walks in the cool shade of the trees was enjoyable,” she admitted.

Lizette had moved away and Juliette had excused herself as well.

“Surely not the only pleasure you had?” he asked quietly.

Sophie watched his dark eyes under the candlelight of the chandelier. “I recall no other.”

“I’m wounded. I must work to reinstate your memory.” Sophie knew he was teasing her and shook her head in a small smile.

“How is your sister?”