Page 54 of The Sheik's Son

She knew Sebastian would not exaggerate or make things up. He was concerned for her. She took the candle to her bed and set it upon the table. She hugged her knees to her chest.

I can’t stop thinking about you. Th

ose words echoed in her ears. She must stop whatever this was before it was too late. She must distance herself. There was no other option. She would not be a mistress and he would not marry her. There was no other way.


Sebastian had followed Sophie and when the lock turned in the door, he turned away. He had not been at all concerned when he had discovered that she was writing the pamphlets. She was writing for equality and about women, and it was something she felt she must do.

The list that she had compiled was something different. He knew better than anyone that France was in turmoil and it was only a matter of time before things took a turn for the worse. The list was all the reasons why France would spin out of control. Sophie had a quick and intelligent mind and she would be excited to write about these new things which concerned him.

He closed the door to his own room and saw the fire had been lit by the servants. He was more than just anxious for her safety should she write about those subjects. He knew then that he was in love with her.


Leila was not upset that the evening had not gone as she had planned. She would wait for another opportunity to be alone with Etienne. Her time would come. He would be hers. She would be patient and wait.

She had been irritated and annoyed at the men of Arabia. They seemed to be overbearing and she would not be a woman to kneel and bow before her husband. She wanted someone with whom she could laugh and enjoy life. When she had first spotted Etienne, she had been taken with his handsome face. But the more time they spent together, the more she realized she wanted him as her own. She would have no other.


The next morning Madame Necker had planned a picnic not far from the chateau near the river shielded from the sun by large mature trees. She didn’t know if anyone would want to attend as the previous night had been filled with so many strange occurrences.

But as the day progressed, everyone appeared at the appointed time in the foyer after midday to walk together. Two footmen had been instructed to carry the baskets to the spot and everyone walked in pairs: Germaine and Sophie, Madame Necker and Eugenie, Sebastian and Etienne, Marmontel and La Harpe, the duke and Leila. Buffon was suffering from a cold and was in bed recuperating.

Madame Necker had several large rugs placed along the riverbanks for everyone to recline on and enjoy themselves. Food was in abundance, with cold chicken, cold beef, a variety of cheeses and fruit, bread and wine.

She had considered bringing cards and setting up games but thought better of it. It would be a relaxed afternoon with no planned events.

Eugenie overate and immediately settled into a corner with pillows for a nap. Marmontel and La Harpe were arguing over a new play they had seen while the duke was entertaining Leila with stories of his friends in England.

Madame Necker and Germaine were talking together in low voices when Sebastian came to sit near Sophie.

She was just biting into a strawberry as she turned to him.

“You slept well?” He asked after her health, not realizing the question came across as seductive.

She looked away from him for a moment. “Yes. Thank you.”

She replaced the strawberry stem on her plate.



Sebastian wanted to apologize for the previous evening. He seemed to lose his head whenever he was near her. But if he was honest with himself, he wanted to seduce her even here with all these people. He would not apologize. He was only sorry they had been interrupted.

“Would you like to take a stroll through the wood?” he asked quietly.

Sophie smiled faintly. “No, thank you.”

She looked perfectly situated along the river in a white gaulle gown with a mint green sash. Her hair was pinned back and she looked like a new rosebud, blossoming and lovely.

“Afraid of being alone with me?” he whispered lowly.

She met his eyes. “Yes.”

“Would you care for a stroll?” Germaine asked Sophie as she joined the couple. Sophie agreed and Sebastian watched the two women walk away from the picnic.