Page 47 of The Sheik's Son

Leila blushed. “I don’t know.”

“You’re a virgin. You must have done something and your father sent you here.”

“Oh, that.” She settled back.

“Yes, that. I thought maybe you had been married and it didn’t work out. But they sent you here to safeguard you, didn’t they? Do you understand?”

“I don’t care about it. I don’t want it anymore. It’s a hindrance.”

Etienne shook his head. She was playing with fire. Some man would come along and rape her for all her teasing.

“You’ll marry and then it will be gone.”

“I’m old enough to experience it,” she pouted.

“That will be up to your father to decide whom you marry and then you’ll experience it. In the meantime, stay away from me. No more of your little games. You do it again and I’m going to tell your brother,” he threatened.

Leila was silent for several moments. “I’ve decided you’re the one I want.”

Etienne almost shuddered. He leaned into her. “I’ve no wish to die in a duel by your brother’s hand, who incidentally is my good friend.”

Leila smiled. “He won’t hurt you.”

“Leila. You seem to not grasp this concept. You are a virgin. You must give it to your husband, not someone you’ve chosen for the night. You aren’t a whore.” He was getting angry.

“I want you. No other will do,” she said simply.

Etienne closed his eyes. He was in hell. His best friend’s sister was winding him up until all he could imagine was them both naked and entwined.

“It’s not your choice, Leila,” he said with determination and finality.

Afterwards, the carriage ride was silent but filled with the words that had been said by them both.


Following dinner, everyone settled into the large salon as the butler and footman circulated coffee to the guests. Madame Necker, Germaine and Sophie sat near each other in conversation with the three intellectual men discussing politics and government.

Etienne and Sebastian played billiards in an adjoining room while the duke and Leila played chess. Eugenie sat before the fire embroidering while keeping an eye on her granddaughter. A glass of sherry was at her right hand.

“How was the journey here?” Sebastian asked his friend as he took up his cue.

Etienne wondered what his friend would do if he told him the truth. Snap the billiard cue over his head, most likely.


He would lie this time, but it would be the last. He was absolutely resolute that the next time the little temptress approached him he would go straight to her brother. He didn’t know what she had done but it must have been substantial for her to have been sent to her brother in France.

Comte de Buffon was much impressed with the auburn-haired beauty who seemed to be a great new favorite of Madame Necker’s. Her father was a lawyer with the Ferme générale and she had been well educated.

“I missed the discussion on birth and marriage, I understand,” he remarked.

Marmontel and La Harpe eyed the comte before Marmontel spoke. “It was nothing.”

“A new pamphlet being circulated, comte. ‘Marry Carry and Bear.’” Madame Necker explained to the newcomer. “With your extensive work on natural history, we thought you would have enjoyed the discussion.”

Buffon accepted the cup and saucer of coffee and nodded. “Yes, I’ve read it.”

“What did you think of it?” Germaine asked.