Page 86 of The Sheik's Son

“Yes. He had many admirers back in Arabia but none of them tempted him. I think he was waiting to come to Europe to find his bride. And so he has,” she said graciously.

“I will do my best to make him happy,” Sophie assured Katharine. Though the marriage was false, she wanted his family to like her. She would never want to be the cause of a rift between them.

“I never thought to see him marry for some time. That you have managed it so soon is an accomplishment in itself.” Katharine smiled.

“Thank you, madame.”

“And you are young and beautiful. I expect to have beautiful grandchildren.”

Sophie smiled and looked away.


“What is going on?” Mohammed said bluntly.

“Father?” Sebastian questioned him.

“First we send Leila to you, and she has fallen in love with a Frenchman and is to be married. Fine. Leila may marry as she wishes.”

“But?” Sebastian waited.

“But you are the next sheik. You don’t have the luxury of marrying where and whom you choose,” Mohammed told him angrily. “You will take over when I am gone and rule over the people of Arabia, settle disputes and see to their safety and well being. It was what you were raised to do.”

“Really? You chose your bride,” he countered.

“That was different.”

“Why? Because it was Mother?”

“The people have accepted your mother over time and with great patience. Your mother is intelligent and adept at winning people to love her. I sacrificed her safety to marry outside of Islam and it caused a great dissension at the time. You recall she was threatened and almost killed.”

“Then Mother has paved the way for another foreign woman to sit beside and counsel a sheik. Sophie will be the same. She is intelligent and gracious,” Sebastian said, defending her.

Mohammed shook his head. “I did not expect this of you.”

“Am I to choose where I love?”

Mohammed knew there was something else going on between the two young people but he would not press it. He knew that if his son had set his mind to something, he would not be swayed.

“Your sister will marry in the church, and I assume it will be the same for you.”

“I have never been very religious, Father,” Sebastian replied.

“That is not the point. A sheik cannot be an infidel. You know that.”

“We can marry quietly. I will find a priest who will marry us without my converting.”

Mohammed seemed satisfied. “Good.”

“Father. She is a good woman, much like Mother. She is educated and of a good family.”

“I am not against Mademoiselle Sophie. I am afraid of losing my only son to France.”

At this Sebastian finally smiled. “That would never be possible. I know my duty. I know my duty to you, and to Arabia.”

Mohammed nodded. He smiled as well and clasped his son on the shoulders. “Let us join the ladies.”

Sebastian was not concerned about the marriage ceremony or converting to Catholicism. In any case, he would only be married long enough to safeguard Sophie and then the marriage would be annulled.