Page 81 of The Sheik's Son

Sophie felt the tears in her eyes. “I never wanted that. I seem to always make the wrong choices. I educated myself and so wanted to educate others. In doing so I have placed myself at risk.”

“Yes, I know of the inspector. I thought to warn you.” Madame Necker placed a hand on the younger woman’s shoulder.

“I will admit I am worried. But I will be careful. I promise you that.”

Madame Necker smiled as another couple greeted Sophie and together they moved away.


Sebastian’s knuckles hurt from landing the punch on Etienne’s face and he wrapped them in a linen napkin. He felt more than annoyed and a little betrayed by his friend’s deception, but was it any different than what he had done with Sophie?

Certainly he had not gone as far as Etienne had and Sophie remained a virgin, but it was not from lack of trying. At least in his sister’s case it would all end well. She would be married and they would be happy.

But he was still worried about Sophie, and the inspector who seemed intent on bringing her down. He had spent much of the evening watching the inspector, and prior to the family drama, the inspector seemed to watch every move Sophie made. It was disconcerting.

Sebastian took a second glass of champagne just as Sophie approached him.

“Sebastian, what on earth was that spectacle you made of yourself? My grandmother told me all about it.”

Sebastian shook his head as he looked at her in the candlelight. Everything was falling apart and he felt powerless to stop it.

“I will apologize to your grandmother and father. It was a misunderstanding.” He was so afraid for her. How could he protect her?

He followed through with his declaration and explained everything to his hosts. But even as Sophie smiled and her father nodded in understanding of the “family matter” that had been settled, Sebastian felt more and more ill at ease over the sly inspector.


“Did you really intend Leila to marry an Arab?” Katharine asked as they remained on the sofa in quiet company with each other.

Mohammed was silent. Then spoke. “I had considered it. After all, Margaret married an Englishman and Isabelle will marry not at all, so I thought Leila would.”

“And I never thought she would. She’s too capricious. Arab men like to dominate.”

“Yes, we do.” He sought her lips again and she smiled.

So many years had passed and yet still Mohammed could never get enough of his princess.


“Let’s go out into the garden,” Sebastian suggested after he had spoken to her family.

“If you like.” Sophie followed him out into the darkened garden. They passed another couple enjoying the moonlight.

Lanterns had been placed outside, creating a romantic night.

Once they were alone, Sebastian was blunt. “I had Etienne look into the inspector’s background.”

Sophie was puzzled. “Yes? Why?”

“I’m concerned for you, Sophie.”

Sophie sighed. This tired subject. ?

?You needn’t be, Sebastian. I’ll be fine. No matter what the inspector discovers, he won’t harm me. You act as if we are living in the wilds of America!”

And you seem to think we are living in a novel that will have a happy ending, he wanted to tell her. He wanted to make her see reason, but he saw his sister beckoning to him from inside the ballroom.

“There’s my sister. I’ll be right back. Please excuse me,” he explained before hurrying off.