Page 60 of The Sheik's Son

He was covering her body with his in one quick movement. He pressed her legs apart and had one hand at his cock to press into the hot, wet pussy. Oh god, he thought. So tight, so tight. Like a virgin, he thought. Like a sweet virgin.

Then he felt the thin membrane and pressed into her more. As the membrane ripped, Leila only cried out once, biting into his shoulder.

“Leila. Shhh,” he soothed her. “I’m sorry.”

She closed her eyes tightly against the pain and then he was moving in and out of her at a pleasure-seeking pace. For Leila, the pain was gone, replaced by an intense pleasu

re. This is what she had wanted. This is what she knew was there and had been seeking. Pleasure upon pleasure. Leila bit her bottom lip as the waves rolled over her, and she shuddered.

Etienne felt the tightness pulse around his cock as he moved in and out, bracing his weight above her with his forearms. It felt so good. So tight and perfect. He climaxed, emptying his seed inside her. He kissed her lips and covered her body with his arm as she snuggled next to him.

Leila smiled like a sated cat. She was a virgin no more and Etienne was hers.


Leila was the first to wake. She saw the light streaming through the window and saw Etienne lying beside her.

She was not entirely ashamed of herself but she did see her blood staining the sheets. She smiled again and pulled on her linen shift. She felt a slight soreness between her legs but it didn’t bother her.

In fact, she wanted him again. Now. She removed the shift from her body and let it fall to the floor. She moved her naked body against his and let her hand fall against his hard cock. He would want her this morning.

Etienne felt a hand against him and groaned. He wanted her again. Not just in an erotic fantasy, but in real life.

When he opened his eyes and saw the light in the room and the brown-haired beauty smiling at him, he almost cried out.


“Yes, Etienne?”

“My god, what have you done?”

She smiled. “What have we done. I didn’t do it alone.”

“Oh my god. Last night.”


Jesus, he thought. He moved away from the bed naked, throwing the bedclothes back. He saw the red stain and closed his eyes.

“Last night.”


“I took your virginity.”

“Yes, thank you. You were wonderful.” She was sitting up in bed, smiling.

“My god.” He came to her, grabbing her slim arms in his hands. “This isn’t a game, Leila.”

“I know that,” she said.

“You don’t. Now I need to approach your brother as the honorable thing. We’ll duel. And then if I survive, we marry.”

“Nonsense.” Leila looked so delicious fresh from sleep. “I wanted my virginity gone and I wanted you to have it.”

Etienne shook his head as she moved away.

She shrugged. “No one need know.”