Page 55 of The Sheik's Son


“You don’t need to avoid me,” Leila told Etienne in a low voice.

“I’m not.” He sipped the wine, looking at the river.

“You are and have been all morning.”

“I’ve been preoccupied,” he said, dismissing her.

“Come to my room tonight.” Her blue eyes met his. The invitation was undeniable. She would finish what they had started the night before.

“No.” He moved away from the group walking along the river.

“What’s wrong, sister?” Sebastian asked quietly in Arabic.

“Nothing,” she replied.

“Has something happened with Etienne?” He had seen their exchange.

“No. Not at all. He’s the perfect gentleman,” she returned.

Sebastian relaxed. “He is a good man.”

Leila agreed entirely.


“I know why you warned me off Sebastian, Sophie.” Germaine said as they walked slowly under the green trees.

“Why is that?”

“Because you want him for yourself,” she replied bluntly.

“No, Germaine. Sebastian is very handsome and that may be fine for some women. But one day I will marry and he’s not the marrying kind. And I’m not the mistress kind.”

“I’ve seen how he looks at you,” Germaine replied.

“I can’t help that.”

“He wants you.”

“I don’t want to hurt you, Germaine,” Sophie said honestly.

Germaine smiled. “I’m not hurt. I’m jealous,” she admitted.

“Don’t be. Some wonderful man will come along for you. He will.”

“Will he be handsome like Sebastian?”

“More so.” Sophie smiled.

But the smile faded when she realized that if Germaine had seen Sebastian look at her in a certain way, others had as well, perhaps even her grandmother. She must be careful and stay away from him. Only two more days in the country and then she would return to Paris.


Little by little the group dispersed back to the house. Soon, the only people that remained were Sebastian, Sophie, Germaine and Leila. Etienne had never returned from his walk but had instead taken a different route back to the chateau.

Leila and Germaine chatted about music and plays while Sebastian lay on his back near Sophie, who was sitting up beside him.