Page 28 of The Sheik's Son

There was a heavy throng of people as the two women moved towards the refreshment table for a glass of champagne. Sophie looked for Madame Necker and her daughter as she thought they might attend the evening’s entertainment, but did not see them. Madame Necker seemed refined and educated and would surely enjoy the finest music of the day.

She was pushed lightly against one elderly gentleman in the press of people and apologized to him. Seeing the beauty before him he smiled back and the line progressed. A minute ticked by and the line moved slowly. She saw Lizette making her way more quickly to the front of another line and was glad of it. She was pressed again into the gentleman and again apologized to him, almost embarrassed.

“There is such a crush here,” she said over her shoulder smiling to him but not seeing him.

“Yes, Mademoiselle Sophie. There is.” The man spoke intimately to her, his lips almost brushing her ear before she whirled around on him.

“Monsieur Fairfax.” She spat the words out more than said them.

Sebastian had been tasked with getting champagne for his friends. When he had stepped in line he was delighted to spot Sophie ahead of him and was transfixed with her loveliness. The copper gown suited her perfectly and the scooped neckline was maddening. He would give much to run his fingers along that neckline and even lower.

He watched Sophie’s face and hazel eyes as she spoke and could tell she wanted nothing to do with him. That was such a shame, he felt. He had already decided he wanted her.

The line surged forward and pressed Sebastian into Sophie. She bit her lip in angry retort. It wasn’t his fault, but his closeness was disconcerting.

“Mademoiselle. Excuse me,” he said, apologizing while smiling. His hands had reached out to steady himself, touching her arms.

“Sophie, I have our drinks.” Lizette spoke, several people away from them. She had been successful in achieving their desired goal.

“Thank god!” Sophie muttered and tried to extricate herself from Sebastian’s hands. “Please release me.”

“I wasn’t holding you,” he leaned forward and whispered to her. But this time his tongue touched the outer shell of her ear and it caused little goose pimples down her arms.

Sophie moved back, outraged. Her mouth opened a little and Sebastian seriously contemplated pulling her into his arms for one moment and tasting those lush lips again. After that, he would pull down all that gorgeous auburn hair and bury his face in it.

He could tell she was outraged by the way her breasts moved above the neckline and the blush that crept over her lovely cheeks. This wasn’t one of Juliette’s girls who would do what he asked for the right coin. She was an innocent, well-bred woman; however, none of that made any difference. She would be his.

Sophie pulled away from Sebastian and caught up with Lizette, who was holding two glasses of champagne. She took her glass from Lizette and downed the bubbly drink in one gulp.

When she turned around, she saw Sebastian smiling at her. Bastard, she thought.

“Who was that?” Lizette asked as they walked to their private box.

“A savage,” Sophie hissed.


The concert was lovely and her father’s private box made it more enjoyable and intimate than sitting below with everyone jostling and moving about. She had begrudgingly introduced Sebastian to her father and grandmother as they seemed to travel in the same circles and he had a private box next to their own.

Sebastian had bowed slightly at the introduction and her father had smiled at the young man. He knew he was the secretary to the duke, who was also the British ambassador to France, and both were useful men to know.

Midway through the concert Sophie felt her corset biting into her. She was uncomfortable and needed to walk a bit to release the tension. She whispered to Lizette that she would get some air and quietly left the box to walk along the corridor.

The building itself was large and as she moved about she saw no one else. She could hear the music inside the theater and she closed her eyes. It was such a lovely composition. Handel was one of her favorite composers.

Sophie found herself outside in the brisk air walking along the pillars. She saw the carriage drivers smoking outside and congregating with each other and their horses.

She had left her hooded cloak inside, and shivered as the air had turned cold. She turned back inside and walked accidentally into the small cloakroom. It was not attended and not well lit, except for one small candle on a wooden table.

“Are you lost?” Sebastian asked, coming in behind her.

Sophie sighed. Turning to him she asked, “Are you following me?”

“I was outside smoking and have now come back inside to rejoin my party,” Sebastian shrugged and explained. “Nothing more.”

He looked impeccably dressed in a deep blue coat with silver embroidery along the cuffs, pockets and along the collar. His breeches were also blue but with no adornment and his white hose and black shoes were simple, while his hair was clubbed back. Sophie thought he looked more handsome than those men who dandied themselves up in silk and satins but never would have told him so.

“No, I’m not lost. I was taking some air.” She tried to be polite.