Page 113 of The Sheik's Son

“Sophie?” Sebastian asked, entering the salon. “Marie said you were waiting for me.”

“Yes. I have been so worried since this morning when you asked me for the addresses.” Sophie moved toward him, looking for signs of blood or an attack, but her husband seemed perfectly fine.

“Sophie, I’m well. Etienne and I accomplished what I set out to do,” he assured her calmly.

“Which was?” Sophie asked.

Sebastian pulled from his coat pocket the two items that the inspector had held over Sophie and handed them to his wife.

She saw them in her hands but the image blurred. “Bash.”

He had recovered the writings for her at risk to himself to keep her safe. She knew then with utter certainty that she loved him.

“I don’t know what to say.” She gazed down at the card and the sheets of paper, and then into his handsome face.

“There is nothing to say. You are free from him.” He watched her lovely expression.

Sophie threw her arms around his neck and held him tightly. “Thank you, Bash.”

She kissed him on the lips and then turned to the fire. She threw both handwritten papers into the flames, watching the fire lick at the paper. She remained kneeling before the fire until the papers were ash. Sebastian didn’t tell her, but he had also visited Juliette to permanently break things off with her. She had not been surprised by the break and had wished him joy and happiness in his marriage. He had given her a final, generous compensation and they had parted as friends.

Sebastian moved to sit by the sofa and Sophie joined him.

“You have been kind to me. I never expected so much from you,” Sophie admitted. “In the beginning, I was a little ashamed to have forced you into such a marriage.”

“Sophie. I married you to help keep you safe. But the more time I spent with you and realized the danger you were in, the more I realized I loved you.” He touched her face lightly and spoke the simple words that held so much.

“I love you, Bash. I’m sorry it has taken this to make me say it. But I do love you.” Sophie felt his hand behind her neck as he pulled her to him, his lips touching hers tenderly.

“I will never let you go,” he said with passion.

“And Arabia?” she countered.

“I must and will return to Arabia. But my father is young and healthy. He will rule for many, many years. Still, we should return there, and soon. France is on the brink of a revolution. It will not be good for our class. The tide is turning,” he said, his tone somber.

Sophie nodded. “Yes. I have been telling my father that he should take my grandmother and journey to England for a time.”

“That is wise. I will also recommend the same for Etienne and my sister,” he replied.

“Poor Madame Necker!” she suddenly exclaimed. “She and her family should flee as well. They are so close to the power that everyone is coming to despise.”

Sebastian nodded. “In the meantime, my parents would like to host a ball in our honor before they return home. They have mentioned it several times but I think the timing is right now.”

Sophie seemed delighted. “I would welcome it.”

“And since we are no longer a marriage of convenience, I think we should use this time to celebrate our true marriage.”

“I am in agreement.”

“Are you?”


“This is a first,” he said, kissing her lightly again.

He pulled her to him and she lay half leaning across his body as the kiss deepened. He moved her onto his lap and she straddled him.

“Sophie. My own love. I will always keep you safe. Never doubt it, or me. Come to me if you fear anything,” he said, his hand tangled in her hair.