Page 107 of The Sheik's Son

“No. I haven’t seen Marie.”

“And you? Where have you been?” she questioned him.

Sebastian smiled. Two could play this little farce. “With Etienne.”

Sophie felt the table under her fingers and watched as his eyes moved over her.

“Is that a mourning gown?” he asked, wondering what she would say in return.

“Yes. It is. I-I was thinking of having it dyed another color. I wanted to see if it still fit.”

“Does it?”

“What?” she asked.

“Still fit?”

“Yes.” She breathed out.

Sophie moved to the mirror to check the back of her dress. The mourning gown was a particularly cumbersome gown with dozens of buttons down the back instead of laces. Marie had helped her into it, but it would take some maneuvering to undo the buttons alone.

Sebastian watched her unbutton one, then two buttons of the dress, but it was difficult alone. He rose and moved to her as Sophie watched him in the mirror. His dark hair was uncombed and he wore only his breeches and white shirt, untied at the neck.

He spoke in her ear. “Let me.”

She watched him in the mirror as his hands went to her back. She felt the first one pop open as he unbuttoned it.

He had beat her home intentionally. He had wanted to wait inside her room and see her face as she entered from the evening. He doubted the man was her lover. After following her, he had waited outside the door of the office and only heard the rustling of papers once they had entered together. There had been no conversation and the entire evening had him baffled. What on earth was she doing?

Their eyes met in the mirror as he unbuttoned another two and each pop could be heard. He moved directly behind her and his hands moved her hips so that she was directly in front of him. She placed her hands on the small vanity table to steady herself. Suddenly his mouth touched her neck as he undid another button.

She trembled. “Bash.”


“I can do them,” she said softly.

“I suppose you could. But it wouldn’t be this fun.”

Another button and then another, and each time he pressed a kiss to the back of her neck and then to the side of her neck, causing goose bumps to break out along her arms. She bit her bottom lip to stop the moan that almost escaped her lips.

When there were only a few more buttons left at the bottom of the gown, he ripped the dress off her, causing the buttons to fly off, and the gown pooled at her feet. He spun her around to face him.

“Bash!” she cried.

“It can be mended,” he said harshly as he pushed her bottom onto the table and moved between her legs.

His cupped the back of her head and pulled her to him. His warm lips were on hers as his tongue pressed into her soft mouth. His fingers threaded into her hair as Sophie moved her hands onto Sebastian’s shoulders and wrapped her legs around him.

“I don’t care about the dress.” Sophie took a shallow breath; the corset constricted her breathing and he watched her breasts rise and fall above the corset line.

He pressed kiss after hot kiss onto the tops of her breasts and pulled her tightly into him as she bounced against the tabletop and pressed a hand into the mirror behind her to steady herself.

Several items from the dressing table fell to the floor and a floral smell filled the room as her perfume bottle toppled over.

“I’ll replace it,” he told her as he bit her ear.

She shuddered in his arms. He could still see her walking with the unknown man in the hallway of the building and the thought of her giving herself to another man drove him over the edge. He was done playing the gentleman.