Elspeth Meacham was the Matron, and she acted as a deputy in her husband’s absence and supervised the female inmates and the domestic arrangements.

Freeman Reed was the chaplain and was responsible for the sermons every Sunday. Dr. Samson Beesley was the medical officer; Joseph Caldwell was the superintendent of outdoor labour; and Leviticus Penn was the porter.

Audrey tried to commit the names to memory, but she knew it would help when she met them in person. Next, she pulled out a long sheet that had been included in his documents. At the top of the page in crisp handwriting was written: Duties of the Schoolmistress.

She looked at the page often, and she smoothed it down across her lap as she studied at it again.

To instruct the boys and girls, for at least three hours each day, in reading, writing, arithmetic, and the principles of the Christian Religion, and such other instruction as may fit them for service, and train them to habits of usefulness, industry and virtue.

To regulate the discipline and arrangements of the school and the industrial and moral training of the children.

To accompany the children when they quit the Workhouse for exercise, or for attendance at public workshop.

To keep the children clean in their persons, and orderly and decorous in their conduct.

To assist the Master and Matron respectively in maintaining due subordination in the Workhouse.

It was a formidable list and one she felt she could accomplish and do well. She could teach the children all of the classic literature her father had shared with her and maybe even some French. She would truly teach these children all she knew so they could better themselves.

Another sheet was titled Discipline at the top. She had read it once, then twice, and blanched at the words.

Disorderly offence: bread and potatoes

Refractory – diet + solitary confinement, flogging

No confinement in dark room or during the night for children under twelve.

Corporal punishment:

Only on boys

Only carried out by Schoolmaster or Master

Two hours to have elapsed since the offence

Rod or other instrument to be approved by Guardians

No flogging of boys aged fourteen or over

She recalled Mr. Ryland’s words about needing such discipline at times with children. He’d said he left such discipline to the schoolmistress as to what they deemed acceptable, but he didn’t think it was beneficial. She couldn’t imagine in her wildest dreams issuing a flogging to a child or withholding food. It sounded barbaric. She instantly thought of her dear Frances. Making such a child go to bed hungry was unthinkable.

She was resolute. She would treat them kindly but firmly and hoped to find the good in every child who sat in her classroom. She knew from the letter that Mr. Ryland was sending the workhouse porter, Leviticus Penn, to fetch her at the station so she did not need to hire a hansom cab.

Mr. Ryland had said they would make arrangements and prepare a comfortable room for her stay. The room, he assured her, would be enough for her needs, and she was relieved. He further wrote that if things worked out and she was to stay on, he would find something larger that would accommodate her mother and sister.

The train slowed to a stop, and she watched the passengers exit and enter the train before it pulled out of the station. She pulled out her small valise and took out an orange and a piece of cheese and bread wrapped in cloth. Her mother had asked Cook to send her some items on the way, and she was glad she had thought of it. She was a little bit hungry.

The journey from her home to Norwich was over four hours so she had brought a book to pass the time. She was trying to read Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Blithedale Romance, but so far, it had not interested her as his previous novel The House of the Seven Gables, a Romance had done.

She pushed the book aside and admired the passing scenery.

The flat green fields and the grand oak trees passed by quickly as the miles took her from her home in Kent to her new home in Norwich. Norwich was said to be a medieval jewel in the crown of England, and she was anxious to see it.

So many thoughts ran through her mind. She felt extreme excitement as well as an anxiousness. This was all new to her, and she wanted very much to make a good impression and perform well. So much depended upon this that there was very little room for error, though she was bound to make a few mistakes, she reasoned.

She felt her eyes close as the late afternoon light fell upon her. She would rest her eyes for a little while as to be refreshed when the train pulled into Norwich.

Audrey was waking from sleep when she heard someone calling to her.