After seeing the lavish decorations, I had to agree. So slightly shame-faced, we handed her our purses, standing in only our bikinis and high heels. I was a little uncomfortable wearing so little, but the voice in my head spoke then.

Don’t be a shy pansy, it scolded. Because you’re here for a reason and that’s to get Rick out of your mind. Who knows what he’s doing tonight? He’s definitely not sick, so he’s probably out banging some hoochie while pleading the flu.

The voice was right. I took a deep breath and squared my shoulders, looking forwards with determination in my eyes. I was here to have a good time and turned towards Patricia, smiling.

“What were the rules again?” I murmured. “You’d mentioned some house rules.”

The blonde woman nodded, not at all fazed by our skimpy bikinis even though she herself was dressed in a dark skirt suit and pressed white blouse.

“Of course. Mr. Major requires all women to be dressed in suitable pool attire, and you ladies fulfill that perfectly,” she said. “Also, Mr. Major requires that all women be ready to serve if called upon.”

My eyes flew to hers, but Amber beat me to it.

“I’m sorry?” my friend asked, totally confused. “Serve how?”

Patricia’s face was bland and smooth.

“Just drinks and whatnot,” she said. “If the billionaires ask for a cocktail, you’ll be expected to retrieve it from the bar.”

Amber looked ready to protest because my buddy isn’t the serving type. But as a pool girl at the country club, I stepped in.

“Of course,” I said hurriedly. “It’s no problem. We’re happy to get drinks for the other guests.” Besides, had Patricia referred to some of the men as billionaires? Was that a literal statement, or just a slip of the tongue? I bit my lip, wondering, but decided it was better not to ask.

The blonde woman nodded again.

“There aren’t too many rules. Many things that you might expect. No running in the deck area, and of course, no diving in the shallow end. Other than that, I think that’s it. You’re free to go in.”

I nodded, grabbing Amber’s hand. The lecture was over and we were ready. But as the door to the pool area opened, Patricia added one last thing as an afterthought.

“And I think you’ll be happy to know that the water is changed daily,” she said. “Per Mr. Major’s request, we don’t put in much chlorine, but rest assured that the water is clean and very sanitary,” she said with a mysterious smile before disappearing through the door from which we’d come.

I shook my head because why in the world would she emphasize that? Were there kids who peed in the pool on a regular basis? Hopefully not, especially seeing that this was an adult party taking place at night. But with one last puzzled sigh, I grabbed Amber’s arm and pulled her along with me into the humid swimming area … only to be met by the sight of absolute debauchery.



“Oh my god, am I really seeing this?” squeaked Amber by my side. I couldn’t answer her because the air in my lungs had evaporated and my feet were rooted in place.

“Shh, don’t move,” I said in a whisper. “No one’s seen us yet and we can still leave if we want.”

We could absolutely leave because there was no one stopping us from doing so. In fact, no one was paying attention because they were having too much fun to notice two girls cowering behind a potted palm in the corner.

Because this wasn’t your regular party with beach bunnies and muscleheads splashing each other at the community center. Instead, the space we were in was cavernous with a giant Moroccan-style pool in the center inlaid with ornate mosaic. The colors of the design glimmered below the rippling water in a pattern that I couldn’t quite make out with warm mist wafting off the surface. Plus, there were grand archways everywhere, with assorted loungers dotting the expanse and platters of fruit heaped high, glistening under the low lights.

But it wasn’t the obviously expensive setting that made my breath catch. Instead, it was the people and what they were doing because the level of absolute filth was sky high, making the air choke in my throat. Even through the hazy mist, I could catch glimpses of sheer debauchery, and my cunt moistened in shock as well as anticipation.

Because most of the women wore nothing but a pair of tiny bottoms, the slight slip of fabric covering their most private part. Lush female flesh swung this way and that, slickly oiled under the low lights as women giggled and played in the water, sliding their hands up muscular chests and teasing strong chins. Oh my god, I couldn’t believe I was seeing this!

But it wasn’t just the women. It was the men too. Every single guy at the pool was huge and gorgeous, radiating charisma. Not to mention they were built like studs with broad shoulders and barrel chests, arms long and powerful as they lazily toyed with the women surrounding them.