“Oh my god,” whispered Amber by my side again, teetering a bit in her high heels. “Are we really … ? Because it looks more like … a harem?”

And I could see what she meant. The women outnumbered the men by probably at least ten to one. Each man had a bevy of curvy women around him, giggling and splashing while giving him massages and bringing him drinks. Not only that, but some of the women were outright coming onto the men, what with rubbing ample breasts against their backs or lovingly stroking powerful thighs with light fingers.

I’d seen enough.

“Come on,” I hissed to Amber. “This is clearly some sex party gone wrong and not your usual run of the mill bash. We have to go!”

But Amber remained rooted in place, entranced by the scene before us. Hot mist rose from the water, obscuring some of the figures, but you could tell that some folks were having fun right at this moment, what with the loud gasps and breathy moans ringing out.

“Oh my god, people are having sex,” she said, scandalized, eyes peering into the humid heat. “Kels, look over in the corner there.”

I swiveled quickly, and sure enough, there was the distinct sound of flesh slapping against flesh rhythmically, not to mention the nude outlines of a woman and man moving against one another, their mouths fused.

“Come on!” I whispered again, grabbing my friend’s arm. “We have to go! This isn’t the place for us!”

But Amber was too overcome by the scene before us, and try as I might, I couldn’t get her to budge.

“Come on!” I said again, pulling urgently at her arm. “There’s a spare key in your glove compartment right? I’ll drive. We can still get out of here.”

But infuriatingly, my blonde friend wouldn’t move.

“I don’t know Kels,” she said, biting her lip while casting discreet glances around the cavernous subterranean space. “I might want to stay.”

My mouth dropped open.

“Amber, you can’t be serious,” was my insistent whisper. “You don’t know what you’re saying. This is a sex club, and not a regular party. We have to go!”

But my friend wouldn’t budge.

“No, you know how it’s been lately, Kelsey,” she said again, biting her lower lip with her eyes fixed on a particularly handsome male sitting in the corner of the pool. Of course, he was surrounded by woman, but he seemed to see Amber as well, their eye contact electric. And to my horror, she began to unfasten her top.

“What are you doing?” I almost squealed, watching as the red fabric slithered off so that Amber was like every other woman here, wearing nothing but her skimpy bikini bottoms, giant tits swaying to and fro. “Oh my god, have you lost your mind?”

But my friend shook her head again.

“You know how it’s been recently,” she said in a low voice, her eyes locked onto the man across the room. “I haven’t been on a good date in months, and the last guy actually wanted me to do his laundry for him. On our first date, Kels,” she said, turning blue eyes my way. “He dumped a bunch of dirty laundry into the back seat of his car and wanted to swing by the laundromat so that I could show him how to use the machines.”

I gulped. That had been a terrible date and I remembered lending Amber a shoulder to cry on afterwards. But surely, one bad date didn’t justify staying at a sex party with strangers? The alpha males were gorgeous and ripped to be sure, but still. We didn’t know them from Jim, Jack or Billy.

“Amber,” I whispered again urgently. “Amber, come back!”

But it was too late because my friend was already drifting off towards the big man, generous curves swaying as his blue eyes watched her every step. And to my shock, the man actually disengaged himself from one woman, making room for my friend as she slipped smoothly into the water next to him. A few words were exchanged, although of course, I couldn’t hear what they were saying from my perch behind a big potted plant. But sure enough, some whispers were uttered, and then suddenly Amber and the huge man were locked in a passionate kiss, her breasts pushed up against his massive chest.

Holy shit. Was this really happening? Had I just entered into a debauched swimming sex club where billionaires gathered to be served by lithe, nubile women dressed in nothing? And even more, was my friend now part of the crew, her slippery curves pressed up against a strange man’s muscled chest as she took his kisses, looking more and more drugged by the second? If I wasn’t mistaken, the man’s hand had just disappeared below the water and Amber jerked suddenly, eyes flying open. Holy shit, had he just touched her pussy?