I screamed then, opening my mouth while trying to push him away. But Rick has a wiry strength in those narrow arms, and he locked me even tighter against his flabby form.

“It’s always been you,” he moaned again, licking my mouth even as I tried to fight him off. “It’s you Kelsey. Please forgive me.”

This time, I managed to get a good hit to his shoulder, my feet kicking and flailing as I tried to get away.

“Get off of me, you giant fuck!” was my scream. “Unnnh!”

Because suddenly, Rick had a big hand tangled in my curls, but this wasn’t a lover’s friendly tug. He pulled my hair like I was a misbehaving child, jerking my head back so that my neck cracked.

“Ow!” I shrieked. And the real Rick came out then.

“Shut the fuck up,” he hissed, that oily face mere inches from mine. I could see gaping pores on his nose, not to mention the man’s spittle flying onto my cheeks in sticky droplets. “Shut the fuck up,” he hissed again. “I hear you’ve been making a lot of money lately. Where’s that coming from, Kels? You got any for Daddy-O?”

I opened my mouth to scream again, but suddenly Rick was yanked off me with a mighty heave, landing in a messy heap on the floor about five feet away. Trent towered over the sniveling beta male, his expression furious.

“You shut the fuck up,” my man hissed, rage on that handsome face. “You ever touch her again, and you’re history, hear?”

Rick curled into a ball with his hands over his head like a possum trying to play defense.

“No, no!” he squealed. “There’s been a misunderstanding! Kelsey loves me! I know it!”

But I’d had enough, and with hitch of my breath, I let go then.

“Get away from me!” was my scream. “You ever come near me and my baby again and I’ll call the cops. Not to mention the FBI, the CIA and the Billionaires Club itself. Don’t ever come near me again!”

And with that, I collapsed into Trent’s arms because the drama had been too much. As a pregnant woman, this type of excitement was overwhelming, and looking into the bright blue eyes of my man, I fainted … because he was the love of my life, and I’d just given my secret away.



Holy fuck, she was pregnant? Carefully, I scooted up Kelsey’s dress, revealing an expanse of white thigh and soft stomach. It was impossible to tell, to be honest, because my girl’s so curvy everywhere that there could have been a baby in there. Maybe even two babies, but there wasn’t any way to be sure.

And as the brunette stirred on her shabby couch, I pressed a soft kiss to her tummy. Her eyes flickered open, those caramel pools dazed until she remembered what had happened.

“Oh my god!” gasped Kelsey, trying to scramble upright. “Oh god!”

“Calm down,” I rumbled, gently pressing her back to lay against the couch once more. “That douchebag’s gone for good, trust me on that. I didn’t even have to beat him into a pulp, he was such a fucking coward.”

Relief flooded the brunette’s eyes, but then they grew shiny with tears.

“I’m sorry you had to see that,” she whispered, looking down. “I didn’t expect him to come by and I swear, I haven’t seen Rick for months. We used to date a long time ago, but when I met you, Rick was history. I don’t even know why he stopped by,” she said in a pained voice.

I pressed a soothing kiss to her lips, trying to calm the beautiful girl.

“It doesn’t matter,” I said. “He’s fucking toast, and I could tell you didn’t want him. Besides, going by the way you were fighting him off, honey? You didn’t even need me. You were going to decimate him with your karate chops and assassin kicks.”

She laughed a little then, although the girl was still pale.

“Yeah, I guess you could tell that I pretty much hate his guts,” she murmured, flushing a little while stealing a peek at me through her lashes. “But did you hear the rest of what I said? I mean, the part at the end,” she babbled, cheeks turning a bit pink.

I shot her a lazy look.

“You mean the part where you declare your undying love for me? Or the part where you’re carrying my child?”

“I said that I loved you?” was her horrified cry, cheeks going scarlet. “Oh my god.”

I nodded smugly.

“Yep, and also that you’re pregnant with my child.” But suddenly, my expression grew serious, one big hand cupping her stomach reverently. “Is it true, sweetheart? Is my child in you at this very moment?”

She looked down, unable to meet my eyes for a moment. But then taking a deep breath, Kelsey lifted her gaze to me and her look was so limpid and clear that my heart hitched. Oh shit, this woman was the one for me, and nothing had ever been so certain before.