She colored then and leaned forwards for a sweet kiss. But I knew that Kelsey would continue to read and learn, which turns me one even more. Because what could be better than a woman who’s got smarts, beauty and wit? Sure enough, the kiss deepened, and pretty soon the two of us were on another dazzling trip to Never-Neverland. But this conversation pretty much encapsulated what I find so amazing about the brunette because the girl was essentially raw material, precious but unmolded. And under my guidance, she’s been able to explore her potential to the fullest, becoming a supernova that’s brilliant to behold.

So yeah, I want to tell her. I’m going to get down on one knee and present her with the red roses. I’m going to declare myself and make sure that the curvy brunette knows that I have every intention of making her mine. Because this woman is my one and only … and consummating the relationship in every way possible is the only answer.



I slipped into a sundress, admiring myself in the mirror. The light yellow fabric was tight around the middle, but it was okay because there was a reason for it. I no longer have to beat myself up about eating too much or eating the wrong things. Instead, now I eat everything in sight, including strawberry shortcake, ice cream, and my favorite, fudge brownies, without a shred of guilt.

Because the pregnancy test I took this morning came back positive, and I couldn’t wait to tell Trent. My billionaire was going to be over the moon, and the proud papa of a little boy or little girl in about six months. Turning this way and that before my reflection, I admired the little bump I had going, even if it was still more poochy stomach than an actual baby.

Because I’m so excited to be expecting Trent’s child. It wasn’t supposed to happen, but at the same time, we could have taken precautions but we didn’t. Trent came in me on multiple occasions knowing that I often forget my birth control, his virile sperm blasting into my fertile pussy.

So here we are now. My man’s promised to stop by to take me to a fancy dinner, and I’m going to tell him the news then. We’ll laugh, cry and hold hands, before putting our heads together to make plans. Everything’s going to work out perfectly, and I can hardly wait to tell him the big surprise.

On cue, my buzzer rang and I scampered over to let him in.

“Come on up,” I sang into the intercom. “I’m ready.”

Within a minute or so, there was the heavy tread of male footsteps outside, and I flung open the door, expecting to see my handsome billionaire. But instead, it was my ex-boyfriend Rick, looking worse for the wear. The dude was slouched over with greasy black hair. And for some ungodly reason, his pasty flesh was sweaty and puffy-looking.

“Um hey,” I stammered, not knowing what else to say. “What are you doing here?”

To be honest, I hadn’t seen Rick since he bailed on me months ago to go to the firing range his friends. After that debacle, I made some excuse about being really busy at my job before breaking up. And to be frank, he didn’t seem to mind. Rick was all understanding nods, saying that “it was probably for the better.”

But he was here now, that greasy form literally on my doorstep.

“Hey Kels,” he squeaked, leaning against the door frame. “What’s up with you?”

“Not much,” I said, trying to seem cool and casual. “This is a surprise. What brings you around?”

His eyebrows lifted.

“Not a lot,” he smirked. “Mind if I come in?”

In fact, I did mind. Trent was going to be here soon, and I wanted Rick gone. So I put my hands up across the doorway, making like I was stretching. But in fact, it was a barrier so that he couldn’t enter my tiny living room.

“Um sorry,” I said in a light voice. “I’m expecting a visitor, so this isn’t a good time. I’ll call you later?”

But Rick’s expression turned nasty then.

“What kind of visitor?”

My face shuttered itself closed.

“Just a friend,” came my neutral tone. “No one you know.”

But Rick couldn’t be dissuaded and I remembered now why I didn’t like him. It wasn’t just that he’d lied to me and bailed on our six month anniversary plans. It was because there was something oily and sleazy about him, from the lank black hair to the visible sweat stains below each armpit.

“This isn’t a great time,” I said firmly, standing my ground, arms still braced across the door frame. “I’ll have to ask you to leave.”

Fortunately, Rick didn’t try to force himself in. He just stood there, cocking his head while shooting me a sly smile.