Reading my mind, Trent grinned like a madman.

“You betcha,” he rumbled. “I’m virile, sweetheart, as are all of my buddies. That’s why they drain the pool everyday and refill it. Because so many guys come again and again, that our pools are probably half semen by the end of the day. Trust me, it’s a hygiene thing, not to mention the fact that we want to know who the father is in case a girl does get pregnant.”

I flushed, my mind whirling with all this new information.

“You mean a lot of guys ejaculate in the pool?” I asked breathily. “It’s a common thing to happen?”

He nipped my shoulder again.

“Absolutely,” Trent growled. “I’ve come in there at least fifty times myself. That’s why we make sure all our girls are protected. Because there’s a lot of sperm floating around, and you know, it just takes a drop. One leaking penis is enough to impregnate fifty women if you’re not careful.”

I almost passed out from the news.

“Oh my god,” was my whispered gasp. “Oh god, oh god.”

But Trent wasn’t fazed at all.

“Don’t worry sweetheart,” he whispered against my mouth. “I’ve been careful. We’ve only been using the pool when no one else is there, plus when you forget to take your pills, I always put you in the hot tub. Fewer people use it, so it’s probably my semen in you. Does that make you feel better?”

I wasn’t even sure what to say. At this point, words escaped me, my vocal cards silent. I just looked at my handsome lover, eyes wide, making him chuckle deep in his chest once again.

“Like I said sweetheart, you’re probably pregnant already, so don’t worry about it. I’ll take care of you and the baby, no worries,” he growled before seizing my mouth in a deep kiss. And I gave into him then because the thought of having a child with Trent thrilled me to the depths of my soul. What would it be like to grow round and heavy, filled with his seed? What would it be like to have a little boy who looked just like his father, with the same sparkling blue eyes and black hair? I gasped happily, looking at my man with pools of caramel.

“Yes Trent,” was my mewl. “Whatever you say. I’ll just take two pills tomorrow.”

But in my heart, I knew I’d forget. Sure, I’d do my best to remember but my record is spotty to say the least. And since my man seemed to be on board, why not go for it? There would be a lot to figure out, but nothing was impossible with the billionaire by my side.

So when Amber asked me about my status, I just blushed while my palms crept forwards, softly cradling where a baby would go.

“No news,” I said. “But you never know, right? Maybe soon.”

Amber smiled knowingly.

“Good for you,” she purred. “We’re fertile women, Kelsey, and wouldn’t it be so cool if our kids could play together? Just another thing we’d have in common.”

I nodded, beaming with light and happiness because the thought of having Trent’s child filled me with a glowing satisfaction. Sure, he’d made no promises. Sure, the Billionaires Club was totally upfront about what could and couldn’t happen between its members and the women who served them. But at the same time, I couldn’t help but think that maybe the rules would be changed for me. Because love triumphs over all else, right? And if Trent Jones loved me … then anything could happen.



Oh shit, Kelsey was on my mind. Again. At first, I figured it was just an infatuation. I’d wine and dine her a bit before filling her full with my cock. And after a few hot sessions, it’d be over. After all, I’ve never stuck with a woman long-term, so why would things be different this time around?

But the thing is it’s been months since I first encountered Kelsey at the manor, and I haven’t been able to get enough. Not just of that beautiful body, but also her sweet and unassuming ways. I love how she’s intelligent yet humble, sassy and fiery with a soft side. In short, the female’s everything that I’ve ever wanted, and I had every intention of telling her.

I looked down at the flowers lying on the passenger seat of my car. Holy shit, was this really me? Was I really driving across town to Kelsey’s apartment to declare my love for the girl? It seemed impossible, and yet, it was happening. When I walked by the florist earlier today, the roses had jumped out at me, and my feet strode into the store with purpose.

“The red ones?” the woman at the counter asked with an eyebrow raised, peering at me from over her bifocals. “You sure about that?”

I practically bit off her head because what kind of customer service was this? Since when do you question what I want and what I don’t want? But I nodded curtly, and upped the ante.